Chapter 7- A New Face In The City

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Long story short, when he was released from Rehab, he killed himself. By then, Kirsten was 19 so she could look after Ivy, and they had lived together ever since. Ivy was now 24 and Kirsten was 28.

After a very long talk with her sister, they said their goodbyes, and Ivy hung up the phone.

When she checked the time, she was surprised to see it was nearly 9 o clock at night.

"Shit!" She said out loud, as she had no food and she was starving.

She ran to some boxes in her bedroom and began rummaging through folded t-shirts and leggings until she picked out a black sheer top and black leggings.

The only shoes she saw were her black heels what she got out earlier to admire, seen as though they were her best pair.

She contemplated putting them on, seen as though she was only going out to get food.

"Fuck it" she smirked as she slipped them on.

She grabbed her purse and ran out of the door, locking it behind her.


As I walked slowly down the streets of Gotham, I admired how each city light glimmered in the moonlight.

the streets were surprisingly very quiet, it's almost like no one dared be out at night.

"Not again! Is everything shut!?" I stressed to myself in anger, as every shop id been to was shut.

"Things usually are at this time, my dear" said a voice huskily.

"What the hell" I thought Immediately "who was that?"

Why did I think it was a good idea to go out at night!?

"Oh really?" I replied in panic "explain why"

I heard the voice chuckle deeply.
"You have some fire in you, I like that"

The voice seemed to echo, so I couldn't pin point where it was coming from.

I rolled my eyes and began walking back to the apartment, I guess I could go a night without food? My growling stomach was telling me otherwise.

"Where ya going?" I heard the voice say again.

"Home. I'm not playing games with someone who won't even show their face" I snapped, quickening my pace.

Then there was silence.

As I walked past alleyways, i heard someone clear their throat loudly. I suddenly came to a stop and turned my head toward the noise.

I looked down the alleyway where i had heard it, and it was dark, and sort of creepy.

I squinted my eyes, and then i saw it.

Suddenly, a man had stepped out of the shadows, but I could only see his outline.

"This enough for ya?" The mans voice echoed with a little laugh.

"Ha ha" I said sarcastically, folding my arms and gaining more confidence- I always had pepper spray in my purse if I needed it.

"What's your name?" The voice asked in a rusty tone.

I hesitated to reply, but I automatically just blurted it out.


I could tell he was grinning, even though i couldn't see his face at all.

"And yours?" I asked with caution.

"Maybe I'll tell you when we meet again" he teased.

There was something in his tone what was oddly attractive, but I knew I was just getting overly confident now.

"What makes you think we will meet again?" I asked, raising my eyebrow.

The mystery man chucked again.

"Well this has been an exciting chat" i heard him say "but I must get back to"

"Oh" I replied, confused on why he had to leave so suddenly.

"I'll see you later, Ivy"

And with that, he was gone.

However, as he left, a beam of moonlight illuminated a shred of his identity, revealing what he was wearing.

I began to walk back to the apartment, replaying what I saw when the moonlight hit his clothing, but I didn't see his face which was a disappointment.

As I walked into my apartment building, and climbed two flights of stairs, I made it to my apartment.

I stuck the key in the keyhole and turned it anti-clockwise to unlock it.

Just before I opened the door, I chucked at my thoughts.

"Wow, I haven't known anyone who would wear a Purple Trench coat, how odd"

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