"Riight." I started to get up, but August pushed me back down. "Where you goin, Im enjoying this." He leaned back up and kissed my neck. "August stop.." I said lowly. He gripped my waist tighter and kissed my neck again. "What?" He asked in a whisper. "S-stop." I said. I could feel him smiling agaisnt my skin. He kissed and sucked on my neck, while his left hand traveled under my sports bra, gripping my left breast. I pulled my neck away from him and leaned in to kiss him, after a couple minutes went by, I remembered Tyrese. I pulled away from August and scrambled off the floor and got up. "You good?" He said looking at me confused. "Stop doing that!! You know im with someone." August chuckled. "I ain't making you do anything you don't want to, just admit that you want me, this shit is getting old."

"Well that's were you wrong." August frowned. "We smashed, im sure im not wrong." I shrugged my shoulders. "So??" "So?" He shot back. "So you just smash niggas just because??.. Well maybe, because that nigga was in the guest house early as fuck." I squinted my eyes at him and scoffed. "That's what you think of me? Really?" I said walking up to him. August shrugged. "Ion noe, maybe." He put his hands in his gym pants. "You know what August? Fuck you." I picked up my towel and snatched my water bottle up from the bench. "Simone." August called behind me, but I didn't answer, I was to pissed at the fact that he basically called me a hoe. I stormed out his house, and went straight to my side. I didn't wanna talk to him AT ALL.


Its been a few hours since I snapped on August and Im still mad as hell. How could he say some shit like that to me? Just because Im a stripper, doesn't make me a hoe, and out of all people he should know that. I got dressed and headed over to LACE. Once I was there, I headed straight into my dressing room, where of course Stasi was waiting for me.

"Hey boo." She said staring at her magazine. "Hey." "...You ok?" I nodded. "Yeah, Im fine, how are you? We haven't talked in a while." Stasia smiled. "Im good thanks, and I miss you girl we used to be together EVERYDAY,now we barely have time to do anything together between working and our relationships." I nodded. "Yeah, yeah, I know it su- wait...did you just say our relationships?" Stasi giggled. "I sure did." A big smile immediately spread across my face. "Omg Stasi! Who is he? Whats his name? What does he do? Give me some details bitch!" I said in a laugh. Stasi laughed. "Nope, its nothing official, we just exchanged numbers and we've kinda been talking back and forth for a couple weeks now and I don't wanna jinx it." I frowned. "Pleaseeeeee tell me something, anything." Stasia laughed again. "No Simi, its not the time ok? But I will." I nodded. "Fine, be that way." "But anyways, back to us." Stasia started. "We don't do anything together anymore, we really needa link up one good time." I nodded my head in agreement.

"Yeah we really should." "How about tonight?" She said with a huge smile. I shook my head. "No, Im sorry, we can't tonight...Tyrese is coming over when I get off." Stasia frowned. "Alright, I guess I should be happy about that, since you guys are back together." I smiled. "Thanks." "Yeah, but just call me and we'll figure something out." "K, will do." Stasi got up from the couch and left. When I finished my hair and makeup, I put on my heels ready to make my way to the stage, when I heard a muffled vibration coming from my gym bag.

I reached into one of the pockets where I keep my phone and pulled it out. I had 1 new message from Tyrese. Once I opened it and read it outloud.

TYRESE(9:12pm)-"Can't wait 2 see u tonight beautiful, I have special plans for us."

I frowned at the message. I wasn't really excited to find out what these "special plans" were, but oh well. I locked my phone and slipped it back in my bag. I headed to the stage entrance and made my debut.


I came inside the house and showered. I tied my wet hair into a bun and threw on shirt and sweatpants. It was now 10:15 and I told Tyrese to be here by 10:20. I went into the kitchen and popped some popcorn. I got two sodas out the fridge and grabbed my netflix movies. I went upstairs and put everything In my bedroom. Once everything was set up, I heard a knoc at the door. "Like clockwork." I said to myself. I skipped downstairs and answered the door. "Hey baby." "Hey I said." He walked inside and kissed me on the cheek. "How was work?" He asked. "Long as ususal, what's that?" I said motioning to the brown paper bag he had in his hand. Tyrese smirked. "Your suprise." He walked upstairs into my bedroom. He took his shoes off and changed into his sweats that I didn't even notice he brought, then I saw him sit the brown bag on the nightstand next to him. "What we watching?" He said as he climbed into the bed. "Insidious 2." Tyrese nodded. "Cool." I pressed play on the remote and snuggled up next to him.

a hour into the movie, I was damn near falling asleep. Tyrese kept nudging for me to wake up but it wasn't working. Eventually I just gave up. "Babe, I can't watch anymore, Im tired." Tyrese chuckled. "Its only 11:30." I shrugged. "Soooo." I said cutting the TV off. I scrunched my body down and layed my head on the pillow. I closed my eyes to go to sleep but Tyrese turned on the lap next to him. "What is it?" I said rolling over. "Are you sure your tired?" I nodded. "...Like really tired?" I nodded again. "Like really really tired?" I sighed and sat up. "Is this going somewhere??" Tyrese smiled. "Well yeah, I was trying to make it go somewhere." I furrowed my brows at him.

"What are you talking about Tyrese?" I said pushing my hair away from my face. "I mean, I didn't even get to give you your suprise." "Oh." I said lowly. "Well, okay..im awake now, so what is it?" "Close your eyes." I closed my eyes and held both of my hands out. I heard Tyrese pick up the bag, then I felt it in my hands. I opened my eyes and frowned. "You got me a paper bag?" I said confused. Tyrese laughed. "No bae, open it." He motioned for me to open the bag. I unraveled the top and reached my hand inside. I felt two squares, and I pulled them both out. My eyes shot open when I saw what it was.

I read outloud "Trojan Magnum Larger size condoms...really?" I looked up at Tyrese who was smiling. "Yeah really. I want you Simone." I placed the boxes on my nightstand. "I know." Tyrese grabbed my hand. "Okay then, so why can't I have you?" I looked into his eyes, lost for words. All of a sudden, Tyrese layed me down and climbed on top of me pushing my legs open. He layed in between them and kissed me. Im not even gunna lie, I was all in to it too. But Im not really experienced and that's what scared me. Plus Im not even sure if Im ready to do this with him or not.

"Mmmm, Ty-Tyrese noo." I said softly. I felt Tyrese tugging at my tshirt damn near ripping it off me. Once my shirt was off, Tyrese stared down at my chest and leaned in and kissed it. I stared to moan softly, my mind drifted back to August and how he treated my body the night we slept together. "Mmm yes...yes, A-A-Au-" My eyes shot open when I realized what I was about to say. I pushed Tyrese off and I slipped my shirt back on. "Whats wrong?" I shook my head. "Nothing, I-Im tired, Im not in the mood." Tyrese frowned. "Really, because you were all into it just a minute ago." I rolled back over and closed my eyes. I heard Tyrese sigh and turn off the light.

I layed there most of the night thinking about everything that has happen to me these past few months. I finally realize what I want and what I need in my life, the person that's been there for me, gave me a car and a place to live. I made up my mind. I wanted him and ONLY him. I wanted August. When the morning comes, I know exactly what I need to do, come clean to EVERYBODY. It was about time.

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