“Thomas,” he said flatly, eyes not meeting mine. “Did you tell him?” he asked, voice controlled and low, almost sarcastic.


I blinked, shocked and confused and amused. Did he really think me and Thomas were together? I held back a laugh and fought the grin that wanted to appear.

“Um, I,” I chuckled, shaking my head. “Thomas and I..we're not together.” I said, moving my hands on my lap.

His eyes flicked to mine, serious. My stomach tightened even more. “You're not?”

“No, we're just friends. Why did you even think Thomas and I were dating?” I asked, knowing that he has been jealous of Thomas a lot of times, even though there's no chance for him to ever admit it.

He shrugged and he rolled his scrunched lips, eyes moving to the floor for a second before reconnecting with mine. “You two have been really..close,” he cleared his throat. “You looked like a couple.”

I shifted and tried to get my body comfortable on that bed. “Really? I didn't know.” I lied, shaking my head.

He stared at me through slightly narrowed eyes. “Yeah, I'm sure you didn't.” he said sarcastically, making heat rise to my cheeks. He knows when I'm lying. That's embarassing. “But there's obviously something going on between you two, huh?” he asked, raising his chin.

“I don't think so,” I said lowly, running a hand through my hair awkwardly. I swear, this bed had never been more uncomfortable. The tension was really serious and heavy. The fact that the man that I started having feelings for asked me about another guy made me wanna blush and turn small so he couldn't see me.

“I don't see Thomas as a flirt, nor a guy I want to be with in a relationship. I'm not attracted to him.” I stated, something twisting inside my gut. Oh my God. Did I really say that?

He raised his brow. “Is that so?” he said slowly. “So that means you're attracted to someone else.” He said, a hint of tease in his deep voice.

Ah shit. I bit my lower lip. I couldn't get things screwed up even worse. I grabbed my pillow and placed it on my lap before entwining my hands, my elbows on the soft pillow. “Maybe.” I muttered.

A ghost of a smirk appeared on his lips and I knew that he could sense my nervoussness and see through me. He knew I was hiding something.

“Let me guess, Zayn?”

I scoffed. “No. Although that guy is a model.” I answered cooly, trying not to sound awkward. This is actually a bit fun, and the tension between us has turned slightly amusing.

“Liam?” he cocked a brow, green eyes glowing.

I chuckled lightly. “No.”

“Don't tell me it's Jake..” he said warningly, muscles tensing on his arms and biceps. His eyes turned cold and serious again.

I furrowed my brows. “No way, he's way too flirty and...a jerk for me.” I huffed.

He nodded, seeming satisfied and relieved. “Then who?” he asked and I knew that it was now or never.

Taking a deep breath, my insides twisted upside down. I looked down at the floor, bringing the images of him kissing me, giving myself some hope and courage. The walls seemed to close in on me, as if urging me to say the words before he leaves. Despite the fear I felt, I knew I had to face it.

Enough with being weak.

Enough with being scared.

Enough with being hesitant.

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