At first, I legit thought this girl was crazy, first she was acting all sweet and nice when she needed a favor from me, and all of a sudden she's acting like a bitch. Then I realized something while I was driving. I noticed my Britney cd was sitting out, When I know for a fact that ALL of my cd's go on the car door holder. It was apparent that this female went snooping through my shit. Damn mayne, Im not even her nigga yet and she already spying on me??? That's crazy.

While driving, I thought of every possible reason why this chick had a attitude with me and I just couldn't figure out why. I analyzed every part of my car, thinking about what she could have found, but I came up with NOTHING. My car just got cleaned, so I know there was no left over condom wrappers or bras or panties or anything like that, so I don't know what it could have been.

I don't evn know why Im trippin over figuring this shit out, she ain't my girl, and apparently she doesn't wanna be so whatever. I shouldn't be stressin myself out over some pussy when I know I can damn sure get it elsewhere. But that's the thing though, I wanted hers and only hers.


We pulled up at the Police station 15 minutes later. We walked inside together and I went up to the front desk. "Excuse me ma'am, how would I go about filing a report?" I asked the lady at the desk. "Take this form and fill out as many details as you can and I'll help you in a second." she said not looking away from her computer screen. "Ok." I said as I took a form out of the box and grabbed a clip board. I sat back besided August, who was playing a game on his phone -.-

"You got what you needed?" He asked still playing his game. "Yeah, thanks." I filled out as many details as I could and proceeded back to the front desk. "Here you go, Im all done." I said to the lady. She didn't answer me. "...Okay so what do I do next??" I said getting annoyed. the lady looked away from her computer screen and stared at me like I was annoying her. "Do you have any evience that your being threathned?" She asked me in a voice that sounded rehearsed. "Shit." I said under my breath. "The person threathned me through notes, but I don't have them anymore." I said to her. "Well I can't help you ma'am." She said annoyed. "What do you mean you can't help me?" My voice raised a litte. "Exactly that, I CANT HELP YOU." She said to me again. At this point all I wanted to do was jump across this desk and beat the shit outta her annoying ass. I breathed in and out slowly and tried to change my tone, but it didn't work.

"Look, Im not the one who made you get this shitty ass jo-" I was cut off by a voice behind me. "What's the problem?" August said behind me. The lady was still faced to her computer screen. "Look sir, I told your wife that I couldn't help her-" She turned her head around and looked at August. "You were sayin?" August said with a smirk. The lady looked lost for words. "I-Uh..I was saying um...Let me see your form ma'am." She shot me a big smile and I handed her my form. "Ok...I'll deliever this personally to one of the officers and you should here back from them in 3 to 4 weeks." "3 to 4 weeks?! I dont have 3 to 4 weeks to wait miss, this is VERY important." I said to her. "Do you really think she'll have to wait that long ma'am? I mean is there anyway this can get done faser?" He gave the woman and big smile and she basically died right infront of us. I just rolled my eyes and I let him continue because all I wanted was my complaint to be filed quicker, the QUICKER it was done, the QUICKER the resutls.

"You know what, I'll put a "URGENT" stamp on your paper and you should be hearing from a officer with your case information by tommorow." "Omg that's perfect!" I said to her. "Thanks so much beautiful." August said to the lady, touching her chin. "Y-your W-w-welcome." She said. The woman got up from her desk and walked towards the back, swishing her hips I guess so August would notice. When she was out of a sight I laughed and looked at August. "Good one." "You gotta do, what you gotta do sometimes." He said while popping his invisible collar. I rolled my eyes and laughed. "Whatever."

He Loves me, He Loves me not Unde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum