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Today, is Darcy's 21st birthday. It's been 4 years since her death now. Almost 5.
A lot of things have changed since then. And I think she deserves an update, and to let her know that we're all still thinking about her everyday.

So I'm visiting her grave today. It's a beautiful sight of flowers from people who have visited her from all around the country to honour Darcy and the inspirational person she was, and still is.

She's marked as a figure now for Cancer. She wanted me to find a cure, and this is a way I've found that's helping it. Thousands of people know her story, and continue to be inspired by her each and every second of the day. She's impacted so many lives. And will do forever.

I've just arrive at her grave, and layed down a beautiful batch of roses I bought this morning. Fresh and stunning, just like Darcy always was. I'm alone, and I simply say a speech, to tell her we think about her everyday, and that I hope she's doing okay.

"Darcy, happy 21st birthday! I hope you're having fun up there. Probably celebrating your 21st with a massive celebration. I just thought I'd come and visit you today, to let you know how we're all doing. And I want you to know that we're all okay. We think about you and miss you still every single day. I still love you so much Darcy. Even though death did part us, I still believe we're in this together. I've graduated from college and am now in university. I am working towards being a Cancer research specialist. I am dedicating my life to you, and to getting rid of this horrible disease. And I'm making a promise to you, I'm never going to stop, until I find a cure. We're in this together, until the end. And the end, will be when Cancer no longer exists. I'm not going to stop fighting. To make your death's, Sadies, feyes, your dads and anyone who has lost their life to Cancer mean something. To know that we have the ability to beat Cancer, and to know that we've won. Because we're still working towards it. There's new treatment, but no cure yet. And I won't stop until there is one. Now that's a promise Darcy. So I hope you're resting peacefully up there, knowing that we're doing everything we can to make sure that Cancer doesn't win the battle. Because it won't. I also thought you'd like to know, that I have recently met a girl. She seems very nice, and is very understating of mine and your situation. It took me a long time to get over you. And I think, I'm never truly going to get over you. As long as there's air in my lungs, and blood in my veins, I will never forget you. But things are going well so far, she might be the one. I don't know yet, but i'm just taking one thing at a time. As you taught me, and so many other people, I should make the most of each day. So I don't take a single moment for granted, and each day is another step in the right direction. Things don't need to have a destination as long as you're happy, in the journey, a long the way.
Me and your brother also talk about you a lot. We love to just sit down and have a chat about the things we love and miss most about you. Luke is almost 15 now. He's certainly grown up a lot, I just wish you could have been here to see it. He has a cute little relationship, and is focusing on exams at the moment. I still go to visit luke and your mum every week. I am keeping my promise to you Darcy, I. Am never going to leave them. I always make sure they're okay, and on the bad days, because we all get them, we always try and do something to make us feel happy again. Like looking at old photos of you, and us all together. And talking about some of our favourite memories. Everyone thinks about you Darcy. We all still love you very much. I hope that things are okay up there, I hope you're enjoying catching up all those years you lost with your dad.
I'm even closer with my dad now and my baby sister Natalie who is actually no longer a baby. She's almost 5 now, and is growing up very quickly. I love being a big brother again, and thanks to you, I now know how important family is. I have it back. And I am forever greatful for that.
I hope you enjoy your special day today. 21 is a big day! I just wish you could have been here to celebrate it with us all.
I will come visit you again soon, and I promise you Darcy, a cure will be found. And just remember, We're in this together, until the end. Nothing will make me forget you, I love you, and i will love you forever..."

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