Damaging my future

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As I scroll through all my snapchat stories and facebook newsfeed, a tear streams down my face. Everyone is posting how much they're looking forward to going back to college after an 8 week long summer holidays.
They're all going to see eachother again, and get to hang out and have fun.
And once again I'm going to be stuck indoors.
But this time it will be even worse.

My mum has just dropped me off at the entrance to the college, where ben and Abbie are meeting me. I'm going in to personally talk to the head teacher about the whole Cancer situation... Again.
It's hard enough having these conversations once, but twice! Nothing in my life seems to ever be simple.

"Darcy!" Abbie gives me a hug, then as soon as she lets go ben kisses me on my tear-stained cheeks and wraps his arm around my waist, then we start to walk inside.
"So how you going to tell them?" Abbie asks.
"I don't know, I haven't really planned anything to say, but I think the bald head will kind of give it away."
"Oh Darcy good luck, I'm going to miss you so much."
"Thanks guys, I'll see you both in a minute yeah. I should be out before you go to first period."
"Of course, we will be waiting right here"
Ben pulls me in closer to his body then whispers in my ear "it's going to be alright, everything is going to turn out fine." He gives me another sweet kiss on the lips, then I take a deep breath in and knock on the head teachers door.
"Come in." He says with his deep, intimidating voice.
But Before I enter, I look behind me back at Ben and Abbie and at the empty school hallway.  Hardly anyone has come into college yet, it's extremely early in the morning. I wanted to get this over and done with early so I didn't have a whole crowd of people staring into the office wondering what's going on.
Abbie and Ben both glance at me with another smile, then I nervously walk through the door.

"Hi, Darcy? Is everything alright?"
I can tell straight away that he noticed my bald head underneath my wooly hat.
"Um... Can we have a quick talk please sir"
"Of course, take a seat, what would you like to talk about? Did you have a good summer?"
I slowly begin to perch myself into a cushioned chair on the other side of his desk."Well, it was going well, until around 1 month ago."
"Well what happened? Is this what you came to talk to me about?"
"Yes, actually..." I decide to just come out with it loud and clear "I relapsed"
There's a momet of tension in the air before I decide to speak up again "the Cancer came back. And worse this time. "
"Oh no I'm so sorry to hear that, you were well for a very long time though weren't you?"
"Only around 5 months. Which doesn't seem like long enough to me."
"Of course not, I guess that isn't very long at all. So what's the situation now then?"
"Well...I did start having chemotherapy again. But unfortunately this time it's not working. If I was still just having chemo then I would have tried to make the effort to come into school, but this isn't the case. I need a bone marrow transplant, I don't know when it's going to happen yet, but it will be soon, and I will have to be in hospital for a few months. If I could come to college I really would! My future is extremely important to me. By telling you now that I can't come to college, is damaging my future! So I hope you can understand why I'm not going to be able to attend anymore."
"Of course, that is completely understandable. Well you are welcome back whenever you are ready, we understand that your future is no different to anyone else's, it's as important."
"Thankyou, that means a lot"
"That's alright, so I wish you good luck for everything in the future miss greenwood. I hope everything goes well, and that we will meet eachother again." He stands up out of his chair and offers me his hand.
"Thankyou" I stand up and we shake hands, then I head back to the door to walk out.
As I steadily approach the door I hear large masses of noise and notice many figures standing on the other side.
I look into my pocket and pull out my phone shocked to find a text from ben.
'Darcy, just warning you, there's a large crowd of people outside waiting to see you, and to see what's happening.'
'Oh gosh, well get rid rid of them' I reply back.
'I can't, there's too many, just come outside, I'm standing right at the front.'
I securely tuck the phone back into my pocket then cautiously open the door.

As I reveal myself to the scene in front of me, my jaw drops in schock.
I'm pretty sure half the college is standing outside his office waiting for something. For me?
Suddenly I hear people start calling out my name and asking questions.
"Darcy! Are you sick again?"
"Darcy are you leaving college?"
Thankfully, to my luck, Ben and Abbie come and rescue me from the overwhelming mob.
As we make it outside, a few of the closer friends I know like Mille and Heidi come out.
"Darcy you're here! What's going on!"
Millie shouts as she runs up to me and hugs me.
"The Cancer, it's back."
"I know I saw your status I'm so sorry for you." She gives me another hug. "So are you not coming back to college?"
"No, I'm sorry Millie,"
"But why not?"
"It's just quite complicated at the moment, I'll text you, and maybe we can meet up at some point."
"Oh yes of course,I'll miss you so so much."
I get the same comments from around another 10 people as they rush outisde to see my presence.
One group of friends who I never really talk to come up to me and hand me a 'good luck' card. "I know we don't really talk, but I heard what happened... So here you go, good luck"
I get more hugs and more 'get well soon' cards from a variety of people. This is until the teachers start escorting people back to class.
As I'm about to hop back into my mums car, a whole load of people shout "GOOD LUCK DARCY!"
I can't help but smile at all the comforting support I'm getting from so many people. I've never felt so loved and important (and popular).

Abbie and Ben still remain with me next to my mums car, Abbie gives me a hug, another goodbye and a good luck speech, then rushes back inside to class.
"So Darcy, I guess it isn't all bad to be popular then?" He grins then i lean back against the car as he kisses me.
My mum beeps the horn which startles both of us into letting go from eachothers lips.
"I'm going to miss you Darcy"
"Ben don't say that, I'm seeing you tonight."
"I know, but I'm still going to miss you."
"Don't think about me whilst you're in college, have fun, go make progress with your future. I'm not going anywhere, I'll see you soon"

We share another quick kiss then I hop back into the car with my mum.
"Wow, didn't realise you had so many fans!" My mum says as she starts the engine.
"Yep, it feels great to be loved. Knowing I have this many people behind me and supporting me, makes me feel like this transplant could be possible. That I can get through this... And I will"

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