Death is calling

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"Sorry mum I can't explain now, I just have to go."
"But darcy wait-"
I jump into the car with Ben's dad and we quickly zoom off.
"So what exactly is going on?" I asked whilst hoping it's all a dream.
"I don't know exactly. I just got a call from the hospital saying he's been in a motorcycle crash and is unconscious."
"And that's all you know?"
"Yes I'm sorry darcy, I called you straight after I got off the phone with the hospital"
Ben's dad rang me at 5am this morning and told me ben had crashed his motorbike. Apparently he's in hospital and hasn't woken up since the crash. We don't know how bad it is, it might only be a few cuts and scrapes, or it could be something more serious.
My heart just dropped to the floor and I burst into tears whilst listening to what had happened to him. I'm supposed to be the one getting taken off in an ambulance, not him.
Now I've been on the other side of things I realise how horrible it is to be worrying about someone so much.
I'm not even caring about my own health I'm just rushing to the hospital at 6 in the morning in the freezing cold, pitch black darkness, with a man I don't really know that well.
And I haven't even told my mum what's going on, so she's probably freaking out.
I text her whilst on the way

Hi mum,
I'm so sorry for just leaving you like that, but it's really important.
Ben's been involved in a motorcycle crash and has been taken to hospital.
We don't know how bad it is yet but I really need to see him.
So if you want to see me, I will most likely be at the hospital all day.
Love you xx


We eventually arrive at the emergency room and we rush through the doors.
"We're here to see ben, he was brought in a few hours ago. He's my son."
"And I'm his girlfriend."
"Oh hi Darcy!" Says the man at the reception desk. Is that bad that I come here so often that the doctors all now know my name?
"And yes, he's been taken to the intensive care unit. Follow me."
It must be serious if he's been taken up there, when I went into the ICU I was really ill.

Before we're allowed to see ben, the receptionist leaves us with a doctor.
"Hi, I'm Ben's dad."
"Hi, I'm darcy."
"Darcy greenwood? Don't I know you?"
"Yes but can we just focus on ben right now?"
"Of course. Right I would like to go through some things before you can see him."
"Like what? Is it bad?" I say, whilst his dad just kind of stands their in shock.
"He must have hit his head quite hard as he is yet to have awoken since the accident. Other than that, the injuries aren't too serious. He has a few broken ribs, fractured wrist And a collapsed lung."
"That sounds quite serious."
"Maybe, but it's nothing we can't fix. He's very lucky he's done no damage to his brain. Now because he is still unconscious, he is on a ventilator. You can go and see him now if you'd like."
"Darcy you go in first." Says Ben's dad whilst backing away from the Curtain.
"Come in with me"
"No, he needs you more than he needs me. It will be best if you were the one he saw first when he wakes up."
"Okay but, you still need to come and see him at some point. You are his dad, your the only thing he has left of a family."
He shakes his head in fear but I walk in anyway.

Cautiously, I start walking in revealing myself to what horrors lie behind the curtain. All I can think to myself is, is this what It feels like when they have to see me in a hospital bed everyday?
My body falls apart when I see the tubes coming from his face and body, and the large machine controlling his damaged lungs.
I place myself on a chair next to his bed and grab hold of his hand, they're ice cold. I look up into his black and blue eyes and cheeks. My eyes start filling up with tears.
I run my hand down his body, starting from his damaged face, when I reach his stomach I notice large amounts of swelling. I don't think the doctors mentioned any problems with his stomach? Could there be something they've missed?
I carefully lift up his blanket and reveal a gruesome purple lump, half his stomach is larger than the other one.
I go out the curtains to look for a doctor, and in whilst doing so i Notice Ben's dad is gone.
But it's not the time to be worrying about that.
I call for the doctors and bring them back into Ben's room.
"Is there anything wrong with his abdomen?" I ask.
"No, nothing that we've been able to detect."
"Well look at this." I lift up the covers and the doctors look shocked.
"Wow okay, we need to get an urgent CT on that please."
"On it." A nurse runs out.
"How could you have not noticed this?"I ask.
"I don't know, I don't think this was here before. It might not even be related to the accident."
"Well it has to be, nothing else has happened since then."
"Of course, I will go get some more doctors and we will take him down for scanning."

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