Dear diary...

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Dear diary,
It's the 23rd of September 2015, and I've been isolated at home for almost a month now. I'm bored out of my head.

I've had no one to talk to. My mum is always at work, for twice the amount of time than normal. My brothers always at school, and on the weekends he's always out with friends because mum said she doesn't want me to be around other people.
And my dad... Well... At the moment I seem to be spending more time with him, than anyone.
I'm asleep. A lot. And I have a recurring dream. I'm back at home with my dad. I know I'm at home at the moment but it just doesn't feel like the home I'm used to. At the moments it's just a place where I'm being isolated so I don't get sicker.
At The last trip to the hospital for my chemo treatments, the doctors told me that my white cell counts are very low. Basically, it would be very easy to catch a cold or a serious infection as I have no immune system to fight it off.
So even if I wanted to see ben, I wouldn't be allowed to. I'm under strict rules at the moment but my mother.
I go along with it because i know she's just trying to protect me.
I don't know why I'm writing this diary, probably just because of how bored I am. I've literally started speaking to myself, so I thought I'd start recording my thoughts in a diary. But to be honest, it's too much effort.
My hands are shaking I'm so weak. So weak that I can barely get up and make my own breakfast.
Most of the day I'm in my bed on my laptop or sleeping.
I rarely look at any of my social media, it's too depressing to see all of my friends (including ben) out and having fun all the time.
The other day they all went down to the pier where they went on rides and amusements. Even though I can't go, it would have been nice for an invite.
I Bet ben doesn't even think about me anymore, I've got too much time on my mind to not think about him.
I haven't thought about much else in between my everyday throwing up routine.
Anyway, I'm going to end this diary now, I can't see myself writing in this everyday.
And plus, it's not a very exciting thing to read in the future. It's just full of my depressing life.
So bye . Don't really know how to end a diary to be honest.
I probably won't be updating any time soon, as my life is going to be pretty much the same for the next few weeks.
So... Er... Peace out!

Authors note:
Just incase you got confused its still from Darcy's point of view, and it's just something a little different to the rest of the parts.
Don't worry, I will still be updating regularly, this was just something different and quick for whilst I was on holiday.

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