A year to remember

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Authors note:
Hey guys, so I'm kind of fast forwarding the book a bit, as it's turning out to be a lot longer than I thought. I know the last part ended on a cliff hanger, I was going to make another part which kind of concluded that part, but I've decided to just move on with the book a bit more. It will still be the exact same storyline and everything, I'm just going to fast forward it to a month after bens party. But don't worry, everything will be explained in this part.


A whole year...

An entire year...

This exact day... One year ago. I got diagnosed with Cancer.

I can't believe it's been that long!

Today isn't just special because I can celebrate that I've been fighting Cancer for a year. Today is special because I can officially stop treatment! And I'm going back into the hospital to get my port taken out today. And that should be it!
No more hospital visits, no more chemotherapy, no more bald heads, and NO MORE Cancer!

Now... You're probably wondering what's going on with me and ben. It has been a whole month since our fight. It's been complicated, but somehow, just like last time, things have turned out okay.
The next day, was his birthday. I couldn't ignore him all day. We're in school together now. It's not like when I was at home and I could avoid him as much as I liked. Now we're both at school. I have to see him, it's impossible not too.
He came up to me actually. He immediately apologised for his actions.
It was a few days until I could finally reach a point where I forgave him. But I did! Like I said before, life isn't worth wasting time over the little things. What me and ben have isn't something that can be broken up by one small drunken night. I don't think I can ever truly forgive him for the things he said... But I can move on.

This year... Has changed me in so many ways. I'm a different person, but in a better way. I now see earth as a completely different place. We weren't put here for just one reason, no one was born to be a certain something. It's your choice what you do with your life.
I now see... Life is a gift. You only get one chance to make the most of what you've been given. Most don't realise that until it's too late. I'm greatful to be one of the few people to understand the true meaning of life.
I guess I have Cancer to thank for that.

I never used to believe that bad things happen to good people for a reason, but now I do. However, It doesn't always turn out like this, for some, The Cancer just took over them too quickly. That's why I feel so lucky, and so privileged to have had the year that I've had, and still be here today.


I'm just packing now to go to the hospital. We're not staying over night, as it's only a small procedure. But we will be there all day.
Ben is coming with me. He's driving me and my mum up there actually. Since he turned 17 he's old enough to get a drivers license now. I'm old enough to get mine too, but lessons are extremely expensive so I'm not going to make my mum pay anymore or get stressed about something else over me.

Ben comes through the door and immediately we share a hug. "You'll be alright today" he says "you've done this a million times before, and just think, after this, you will never have to see this place again. Hopefully."
"Yeah, thanks ben. You always know what to say."
"I also have a big surprise for you"
"Huh! What is it!?"
"You'll have to wait and see. I'll tell you whilst we're in the hospital"
"Can't you just tell me now?"
"No because I want something to cheer you up when you've woken up from surgery. I know what you're like, your never the most lively person after sleeping."
"Guess that's true"
"We're ready to go then?"
"Yep, I'll just go get my mum. " I walk into the kitchen and find her stressing out over our bags.
"Mum what's wrong?"
"Oh i don't know. Just nothing seems to be able to go right today. You're going back into hospital, I guess I just didn't want to see you go through another surgery"
"Oh mum don't be upset. This isn't like all my other surgeries. This is actually a really good thing! Think about it, I'm getting my port taken out so I can officially be free from this Horrible world of Cancer. We should be celebrating today, not crying"
"Oh i know darling you're right. Let's go then, let's get it over and done with"
We all walk out to Ben's car together and drive off to the hospital.

"Are you sure you don't mind coming today?" I ask ben.
" of course not. Remember.. like we have always said. We're going through it together. Right up until the end. I can't miss this, we have to be together. Plus... I'm still trying to find ways to make up for what i done at my party.
Oh yeah... And also i get a whole day off school so..."
"Oh yeah, does the college mind?"
"Of course not, they understand how important the situation is. Even if the denied i'd come with you anyway. You're more important"
I grin happily at his comment, then lightly kiss him on the cheek. He wraps his arm around my shoulders, and I remain comfortable for the rest of the journey.


We're here!

This is it! My last time.
I have realised something though, I do keep saying this will be my last time going into hospital. And my last time having Cancer. But there's always something that seems to come up. But I'm hoping... This time, it's official.

We get settled in a room with about 10 beds. There are a lot of younger children with their parents. It's weird not having my own room, I'm just used to that. But I'm not the sicker one anymore, I'm cured of my Cancer. But as I watch all these cute, bald head kids run around. I remind myself that just because it's over for me, it doesn't mean it's over for everyone. Cancer still exists. And that upsets me!
But today is about being positive. It's an important day for me.

I'm all settled now in my bed and my dressing gown. Because this is only a minor procedure, I'm allowed to wear my own clothes.
This...I'm really glad about. I couldn't deal with having to put another hospital gown the on again. I'm glad that's over.

"Darcy greenwood" a nurse shouts from across the room.
"Over here" my mum shouts.
She begins to walk over... With a wheelchair.
"Hi darcy I'm your nurse" at this moment I'm really missing Bella. She used to always be my nurse, I don't like having someone else now. "I'm going to take you up to theatre now okay."
"Yep. Let's do this" I say confidently.
"Would you like a wheelchair, if you're too weak to walk. It's quite a lot of stairs."
"No! She certainly doesn't need a wheelchair"says my mum. "She's cured of her Cancer now. She's completely healthy."
"Oh sorry, I didn't know. I'm only the nurse, they don't tell me what kind of procedure the patients having. But that's great news, for all of you. Congratulations Darcy"
Me, the nurse, my mum and ben all walk up to the operating theatre.
Just before I'm about to go in, ben stops me.
"Good luck, I'll see you soon yeah" he kisses me which leaves me with a stupid smile on my face which I can't wipe off.
I'm probably the only patient who has ever walked into an operating theatre with such a smile.

They lie me down on the bed, then put the needle in my hand to make me go to sleep.
"This will be over in no time darcy" the surgeon says. "Now just count to 10"


"Darcy, darcy it's all over now. Everything... Is officially over"
I think that was ben. But I'm struggling to adjust to my surroundings. I'm just waking up from surgery, I can feel a large plaster or bandage or something over my chest where the port used to be.
I eventually manage to open my eyes and reveal myself to the surroundings.
My mum and ben are here. But no doctors or nurse.
"Hey darcy, Sarah, she's awake"
"Hey" I quietly mumble followed by a small smile.
"Darcy we can go home in a few hours."
"A few hours?" I say shocked.
"Yeah, the ports out, everything was successful. Now I can't wait to get you home so you can start to enjoy your real life."
"Me... Neither" I feel myself about to fall back asleep, until ben reawakens me with his comment.
"Hey, do you want to find out what this big surprise is I have for you?"
"Oh yeah, I forgot about that."
"Well... It's something really special.
You're going to like it...."

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