My hips lifted to connect with his each time and our eyes were locked on each others. I whimpered lightly when he hit my G-spot. His lips connected with mine and then he thrusted again, hitting my G-spot harder. I bit his lip because of the sudden pleasure.

"Getting a little kinky, are we?" He smiled.

"If this is what you call kinky, what would the bed restraints be called?" I smiled before closing my eyes and letting out another moan. He chuckled lightly before connecting our lips momentarily. He kissed my neck and chest as we made love on the mattress.

It had to be the longest time we had ever made love, but every second was amazing. Each touch gave me butterflies. Each kiss sent my head spinning. Each thrust made me want to come undone in his arms.

As I came closer to my high, my moans were getting louder and more frequent. Zayn's thrusts were becoming less methodical. We were both covered in a layer of sweat when we came undone together.

The feeling was indescribable. I felt like I was in heaven as waves rolled through my entire body. I heard Zayn moan my name a few times as his warm liquid filled me.

He held onto me and kissed me as I rode out my high. When I came back to reality, Zayn was next to me and his arms were wrapped around me. "I love you." I whispered softly before kissing him.

"I love you too," He smiled sweetly. He grabbed both of our wine glasses and poured us each some more wine. I took a big sip to quench my thirst. It had been a workout and now I was exhausted.

I lay on my stomach on the bed and sipped my wine as Zayn laid next to me on his side. "Well, the house is christened..." He smirked and sipped his wine.

"That it is," I smiled. Within a few minutes, Zayn had covered me with the blanket that was on the bed and was giving me a back massage. "You're amazing." I sighed as he kissed down my back sweetly.

"No, you are," He smiled and kissed my cheek quickly before returning back to his massage. He worked out all of the kinks and knots that were in my shoulders and back from the sex we had been having over the past few months. I found myself letting out soft moans whenever he worked a knot out. It felt so good, nothing compared to sex, but still good.

He finished his massage ten minutes later and then rolled to my side again. I had finished off my glass of wine but was still drunk off of our love. He smiled lazily at me and I kissed him quickly before standing up with the blanket.

"I need to pee," I smiled and walked off.

"So you take the blanket?! It's cold!" Zayn laughed.

"You'll live," I smiled and shut the bathroom door. After I peed and washed my hands, I looked around in the bathroom. There was a huge linen closet that could probably hold 1,000 towels. I looked out the large window in the bathroom and smiled. The sun was just about to set. "Zayn!" I said running to the door and opening it. "The sun's-"

I stopped dead in my tracks when I saw Zayn on one knee before me. He had put on boxers but everything was the same. "Ava..." He said and looked at me with a sincere look on his face. "I met you months ago in a chance encounter. I fell in love with you and your beautiful soul months ago. I fell in love with you and there is no way that I can go back. I can never be the same, Ava. You have changed me for the better. You have changed for the better. We have both changed together.

"We have both gone through so many things these past few months. I don't think there is another person on this planet that will be able to understand you the way I do. We are so perfect for each other and I'm so glad that you called that night. I'm so absolutely in love with you, Ava. I want to spend my life and my eternity with you beside me. I never want to leave you or have you leave me; I don't think I would survive. You have my eternal love. Ava Burns, will you do me the greatest honor and be my wife?" He pulled out a velvet, black box and opened it revealing a huge diamond ring.

I stayed silent as I looked at the ring with my hands over my mouth in shock.

My heart was racing and my fingers were cold. I couldn't believe it.

Zayn had just proposed to me.

Zayn wanted to marry me.

Zayn wanted to be with me forever.

The thought of getting married scared the crap out of me. The thought of being committed to someone for the rest of my life scared me. The thought of having kids scared me.

Thoughts came rushing through my head at a million miles per hour. All of them were terrifying. I pushed them out.

I was absolutely in love with Zayn. I had never felt this way for anyone. He had changed me completely and made me a much better person. I was no longer sleeping around, getting drunk every weekend, or doing copious amounts of drugs.

I was in love with Zayn. I never wanted him to leave my side.

"Ava?" Zayn asked again and I returned from my thoughts.

I took a deep breath and closed my eyes, "Yes." I opened my eyes and saw a huge smile appear on his face.

"Yes?" Zayn said with excitement in his voice.

"Yes," I said more confidently this time. Zayn jumped up and picked me off of the ground. The blanket fell off of me but I didn't care. I wrapped my arms around him tightly with a big smile.

He put me down a second later and took the ring out of the box. I held my hand out and he pushed the ring on my ring finger. It fit perfectly and looked like I was meant to me.

Zayn tilted my chin up and pressed his lips to mine again and again. The amount of joy flowing throughout my body was insane. I felt like I could do anything. I felt like I was on top of the world. "I love you." Zayn smiled and looked down at the ring quickly before looking up at me.

"I love you too," I smiled and kissed him again. I twisted my fingers in his hair and tugged softly. Zayn picked me up again and laid me down on the bed. He kissed me over and over again as his hands rubbed my body.

"I was shaking so bad, babe," He admitted and held his hand up. He was still shaking a little bit. I took his hand in mine and held it gently.

"Aw," I kissed his hand softly before kissing his lips.

"So do you like your new house, Mrs. Malik?" He questioned. Tingles shot through my body at my soon to be name. God, I loved it but I would have to get used to it.

"I love it, Mr. Malik."

 AN: HEY GUYS so I've been toying with the idea of a sequel...would anyone read it??? I hope you guys liked the LAST chapter of Arrest Me. Thanks so much for reading :)

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