I smiled thankfully at him. “Thanks.”

He shrugged, a smile small on his lips. “Yeah, no problem.” he said casually before taking out his packet of cigarettes. “Want one?” he asked as he picked up a cigarette.

“No,” I shook my head, scrunching my lips in disgust. “I can't even believe you're actually enjoying it.”

“It reduces stress and it calms me down.” he claimed, bringing the cigarette to his lips. “I don't care what you people think about me.”

“Oooh,” I said, resting my head on his shoulder. “Confident little smoker.” I teased and he snorted.

He turned his head to give me an attractive smile. “Let me guess, calling me names is cute, right?” he teased.

I rolled my eyes, giggling. “Shut up.” I shot lightly.

He lit up the cigarette, the end of it turning bright red as he inhaled. I turned my gaze back to the city, Zayn's smoke moving in the air in front of me. I had to say, he looked hot when he smoked, but the smell bothered me.

I moved a bit away and he chuckled, “What? Don't find me cute anymore?”

I laughed. “Just finish the cigatette so I don't have to get tortured a lot.”

He chuckled and inhaled another large hint. He blew the smoke from his mouth and it was so attractive to watch. The cool breeze hit gently my skin, but more clouds gathered in the sky, darkening everything around us. We just relaxed there, both of us lost in our thoughts as we stared at the view. I suddenly heard a sound coming from the door on the ground and I turned my head to see a mop of curls coming up, making my heart stop.

Harry came up, green eyes landing on us. He used his strong arms to climb up and stand on his feet. “Zayn, I knew you would be here.” he huffed, his eyes then met mine. “But I didn't expect you to be here, too.” he added, lowly.

“Disappointed much?” I shot, cocking a brow as I leaned back, my hands flat against the ground. Soft wind brushed against my body, pushing my long hair back.

His gaze grew deep. “Not really.” he said carelessly, shrugging. He stood next to me and looked down at Zayn. “Liam is looking for you.”

Zayn sighed. “I'll go find him.” He said, pushing himself from the ground. He threw the cigarette off the roof and walked towards the door. “Are you gonna stay here?” he asked, turning to look at us.

“Yeah.” I answered easily.

“Alright.” he said and jumped down, shocking me. Damn boy just use the stairs.

“You don't wanna go back to the party?” Harry asked me, furrowing his brows.

“I prefer staying here. It's nice.” I admitted, looking ahead at the view. He stared at me a little bit longer than necessary. “You don't have to stay, too.”

“Nah, you're right, it's nice here.” he took a seat next to me. “It's too noisy downstairs.” he added flatly.

I huffed, never taking my eyes off the grey buildings ahead. We stood like this for a while, but from the corner of my eye I saw him glancing at me. I sighed and closed my eyes when a jolt of pain hit my head.

“What are you thinking about?” he asked me.

I turned to look at him. “Why are you asking?” I couldn't ignore the fact that he looked so handsome. He has another kind of beauty. Zayn has that kind of absolute sexiness and heart-melting smirks. Harry has that kind of beauty that makes your heart flutter, your knees weak and your body squirm when he just smiles at you.

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