"I-I wanted to make as much money as possible. The only way to get rich was to sell the hard drugs." My father seemed ashamed of his doings now.

"So you were selling hard drugs while I was a kid?!" I couldn't believe how irresponsible that was. I could've easily stumbled upon something and who knows what could have happened.

"No, I only started those when you were around 14," My dad stated. I rolled my eyes. I wasn't one to be all uptight about doing a little drugs but selling them with a child in the house was crazy.

"Did you ever do any of the drugs?" I questioned. My dad sighed.

"That's getting a little personal." My mom defended him.

"Well, did you? It's only fair for me to know if you guys were horrible parents because you were high all the time." I raised my eyebrow and looked at both of them.

"We only did coke," My dad said quietly.

"Both of you?" My eyes raised. My mom nodded and I couldn't believe it. I knew she drank but coke was a different league. "How did you get into it?"

"Why do you care so much about this?" My dad groaned. "I want to hear about your life!"

"I want to hear about your drug issues first and then we'll discuss me." I stated in a sort of business matter. I wasn't in the mood for their shit. I was furious that I was living under the same roof as two drug addicts for some of my life. No kid should ever have to go through that. "Tell me how you started doing it."

"We started having money problems and just overall stress...so the coke made us happy and glad to be together," My dad used the coke as an escape.

"You realize you can die from snorting coke...?" I said to them like they were stupid. "I mean, I'm all for a joint once in a while, but I won't touch coke, heroin, or anything like that."

"Oh, so now we have a pothead for a daughter?" My mom sighed.

"And I have a convict for a mother, so be quiet." I snapped.

"Why didn't you show up to the trial?" My dad asked suddenly as he pulled off his cuticles.

"Why would I? Like I said, our last time seeing each other wasn't the best. I wanted and still want little to do with both of you." I had Zayn now. He was all I needed.

"Then why'd you come here today?" My mom questioned with a harsh tone. "You clearly don't miss us or anything, so why do you care?"

"I don't care that much actually. Someone mentioned to me how I might feel better if I settle things with you two before I go to college."

"You're going to college?!" They both exclaimed at the same time and I nodded. Big smiles appeared on their faces.

"How'd you manage that?" My mom laughed. She knew that I was barely passing most of my classes and she called me stupid frequently so I bet she didn't think I was going to college.

"One of my friends helped me pull my grades up and I worked really hard this past year." I smiled. For once in this conversation I actually felt good about myself.

"I'm really proud of you, Ava," my dad said with a genuine smile.

"How are you going to pay for it? You probably didn't get any scholarships..." My mom had to be the one to bring the mood down, of course.

"Um, I got a lot of financial aid." I lied. Although I did get a good amount of money, I didn't want to tell them about Zayn exactly yet. They would assume I was using him for money and would then just call me a whore.

"Well, that's good..." My dad sighed. We talked a little bit longer about prison and what it was like. My mom told me that there are a lot of scary people in there who have done really bad things. My dad said the same thing and said that he tries to avoid it but it's kind of hard. The conversation slowly turned to my plans in college and what I was majoring in.

For the most part the conversation was okay, until they asked me if I had anyone 'special' in my life. I didn't want to lie to them. "Um...yeah actually." Thank god they didn't pressure me for more information because that would've been horrible.

Half an hour later, I was saying my goodbyes to them, even though I couldn't hug them. I walked out before them and walked straight to get my stuff. I grabbed everything and then made my way to the bathroom where I leaned against the wall and tried to calm myself down.

My heart was racing and I found myself becoming extremely tired after the amount of stress I had gone through. That period was such a rollercoaster of emotions I didn't know how to handle it. I closed my eyes and took deep breaths until I was able to breathe normally.

It was crazy that I had just seen my parents in the jumpsuits. They looked different and it felt different talking to them. Although the majority of the conversation was good, I didn't want to go back there again. Too many bad memories were brought up and I didn't want to work so hard to suppress them again.

I slowly made my way out to the car and climbed inside quickly.

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