Chapter Twenty-One

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“This doesn’t seem very sanitary.” I toyed with my peace necklace that dangled from my neck, twisting the metal chain absentmindedly around my thumb.

Niall’s smile alone was enough to clear my mind, even for a few moments. “But Bee, it’s a standard tourist thing. It’s practically mandatory.”

“I don’t want to kiss a rock.”

Niall’s eyes sparkled teasingly. “It’s a stone, not a rock.”

“I could probably think of a million things that I would rather kiss than a stupid stone.” I mumbled as we trailed behind a large group of tourists towards Blarney Castle. According to Niall, we were only about a third of the way through our adventure across Ireland. We’d travelled from Bray to Cork over the past two weeks without much of a plan, stopping in whatever towns we wanted to. From Cork we were going to head north and luckily spend a week in Donegal in company of Niall’s grandparents. After Donegal we would go back to Mullingar, and if it was timed like we’d planned, I’d be on a plane back to America the following day. That thought alone kind of made me sick to think about, so I tended to avoid the subject as much as possible. I couldn’t deny it; at this point, a life without Niall didn’t seem like much of a life at all.

I could see an idea forming in Niall’s crystal clear eyes. “Let’s play a ‘would you rather’ game. It’ll pass the time until we get to kiss the stone.”

“Alright,” I grumbled, still finding it hard to be enthused about the whole rock thing. Niall and I spent a lot of our time playing little games similar to this one, and in conclusion learning new things about each other that we wouldn’t have otherwise known.

“But it has to be what would you rather kiss, okay?”

I nodded and Niall tapped his chin and scrunched his forehead in an adorable form of thought. I reached out poked the crease forming on the top of his head, and he laughed and pushed my hand away. We’d spend enough time together that now casual touching usually didn’t mean much. I, however, still often found myself looking for excuses to feel his skin brush against mine.

“What would you rather kiss? The Blarney Stone or a frog?” Niall took the hand that hung limply at my side and tucked his fingers through my own.

I thought for a moment. “Would the frog turn into a prince?”

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