Day 14: The Crying

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Day 14: Write a scene where the character cries.

"Jax! Did--did you just...shoot that guy?" Steph asked incredulously, staring in disbelief at the guy who was now clutching his shoulder as red liquid gushed from it.

"Considering he's bleeding and you saw me do it, uh, yeah I did," I replied with a sigh, rolling my eyes. Her bottom lip was trembling as she just gazed at the guy, and I let out a sigh, knowing that I shouldn't have brought her.

"He's going to--to die!" she exclaimed, about to run over to the injured dude, but Bradley made sure to wrap a steady arm around her waist, ensuring that she didn't go anywhere.

"Uh, bro," Bradley began, struggling with the stubborn girl in his grasp, "she's your girlfriend, can you, like, take her or whatever?"

I let out an aggravated stream of air, and then captured Steph's hand in mine, holding onto it with a death grip. There was no way this chick was ruining everything and running away. "Babe, will you please, like, stop? He'll be fine. It's just a bullet."

"Do you hear yourself? 'It's just a bullet!'" she micked my voice, making it higher than it actually was. "Jax, he could die!"

"He's not going to die," Bradley told her, sending an encouraging thumbs up to the current victim with a hole in his shoulder. The dude looked like he was about to pass out, so I'd probably let Steph call 911 once this deal was over.

"Yes, he is!" she persisted. "Help him!"

"Babe, we shot him for a reason," I said as calmly as I could. "If we wanted to help him, then he wouldn't have gotten shot in the first place."

"I want to go home," she suddenly declared, crossing her arms over her chest. "Jax, I don't like this! I don't need a police record! I want to get into a good grad school--become a teacher! I'm going to die!"

"Steph," I groaned, "you were the one who said that you wanted to see what I did for a living, and I warned you that you weren't going to like it. You're staying until this is over."

"I didn't know it was going to be anything illegal!" she retorted back, her entire body still shaking with adrenalin.

"Jax! Bradley! Long time no see!" someone else suddenly greeted. My head snapped up in the direction of the voice as I noticed a figure standing by the entrance of the warehouse. He was dressed in a casual bussiness suit, which felt fitting for the occasion, for we were preforming a bussiness deal, after all. It wasn't exactly as professional and high-profile as buying stocks or hedgefunds, but it was definitely a job. The man had two large briefcases in his hands, and didn't even spare a second glance at the Dude Who Got Shot. He walked over to us, his eyes instantly moving towards Steph, eyeing her suspiciously. "Who's that?"

"Steph," she answered for herself, "I'm Jax's girlfriend."

The man turned to Bradley, mutely asking for elaboration on the matter. "Jax is currently whipped, she asked to see him in action, so here she is. She won't say anything," Bradley said quickly with that nonchalance about him that he always seemed to possess.

"And if she does?" he pressed.

"We'll shoot her," Bradley said, causing Steph's eyes to buldge out in horror. He looked over to her sheepishly as she clutched onto my hand as hard as she could. "Ha. Kidding!"

"That wasn't funny," Steph said with a pout.

"Children, children!" The man's voice echoed throughout the large storage place as he let out a low laugh. "Settle down, please! Now, Jax, do you have the latest shipment?"

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