49; Trust Issues

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"Why do I have a feeling that your mom doesn't believe that?"

"Maybe because she doesn't..." Justin huffed, "I wouldn't blame her though, Joshua has been doing the whole cliché rich kid things," Justin explained, "I think he's mad at me because he probably knew that if I wasn't going to bail him out then mom would,"

"Don't blame yourself," I told him.


"No buts, shush," I said, once again pointing my spoon at him as he narrowed his eyes at me.

"I don't like it when he's mad at me," He said.

"Babe, nobody likes it when people are mad at them," I said and he hummed as I ate another strawberry, his throat clearing loudly so I could look up at him.

"Talking of people being mad at other people..." He started, a short hum following from me as I chewed, "Why did Theo call me today telling me that you haven't been to the hospital since I've left?"

I looked at him, blinking a couple times as I swallowed and then gave him an innocent smile.

"Well..." I started, pressing my lips together as I placed my bowl on the bed stand again, my body mirroring Justin as I laid on my stomach and looked at him, "I don't like going to the hospital if you're not there,"

"Hazel you can't use that as an excuse," Justin sighed and I frowned at his words, "You didn't go when I was there either, you have to go see Mariana sometime soon,"

"But I don't-"

"Baby, don't take this the wrong way but you have to sacrifice your feelings and be there for your grandmother whether I'm there or not," He said, "You can't use me as an excuse because I'm not there to be with you, I mean the only reason I'm here in London is because of you anyways,"

I bit the inside of my cheek, puffing out a breath through my nose as I averted my gaze from him and to the keyboard.

"Thanks for throwing that back in my face," I mumbled and I heard him sigh.

"I'm not throwing it back in your face, I'm just worried," He said and I let out a half-hearted laugh.

"Worried about what exactly, you're half way across the world whilst I'm here,"

"Don't even blame that on me Hazel," He said sternly and I stopped myself from flinching at the tone in his voice, "You know that I wanted to be with you but you're the one who sent me all the way over here," He said, his tone becoming sharper as I played with my fingers.

"Tell me one thing though..." I started quietly, "If I didn't send you, you would've regretted not going because of how big that deal was with Accordant Medias, right?" I asked, resting my chin on my hands as I looked at him.

He opened his mouth and then closed it, swallowing before eventually speaking up after looking at me through the screen.

"You know that's not true..." He sighed, an awkward tone in his voice that made my chest tighten and stomach churn uncomfortably.

"Then why did I have to ask?" I said in defeat, giving him a weak smile as he licked his lips and stayed quiet.

"Hazel-" He started, his facial features pinched together with tension.

"The only reason I told Jacob that you were going is because I have, on countless occasions, made you pull out of work because of me," I paused, letting out a shallows breath as I looked at him, "I wasn't going to let you scrap something that can make your business thrive even more than it is now, because of me,"

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