“So what? You're not sleeping before 11 anyways.” Louis said flatly.

“I'm in.” I said, causing Harry's eyes to stay on me, intent, flaming, searching for a way to get inside of me.

“Yeah!” Louis cheered, laughing. “One reason I like you.” he winked.

“I'm in, too.” Zayn shrugged, placing his phone down on the table. “I'm bored anyways, time to get a bit crazy.” he smirked.

“My mate,” Louis patted Zayn's back. “You rock.”

“Fine,” Liam gave in. “I'll join.”

“We need more people.” Louis said, tapping his hand on the table.

“Okay, fine, but only one round.” Kate said flatly.

“Guys?” Louis looked between Harry and Chris.

Harry was sitting right across from Chris, but his eyes were still on me. I turned to look at him, expecting his answer. It also burned my brain to find out why he's staring at me like that. The silence around the table started getting awkward but Chris was the one to break it.

“Alright, I'll go, only to have Louis away from my door tomorrow morning.” He said flatly, moving his hands.

Zayn and Louis chuckled. “I feel you,” Zayn told Chris.

Louis turned to Harry and nudged his shoulder with his. Harry finally tore his eyes from me and turned to look at him. “What about you, captain?” Louis smirked.

Harry scrunched his lips. “I don't see why I shouldn't go.” He said nonchalantly.

Louis grinned. “Great! Let's go.” he urged and we all stood up.

A small hint of nervoussness appeared as we made our way to the project room. I didn't have the best memories from that room. However, excitement washed through me. I wanted to act after three days of just laying in bed. And having my friends along made it even more thrilling.

“Harry!” a young voice called from behind.

I turned my head to see Harry stopping and bending down to greet a young boy with a smile on his charming face. “Hey buddy,” he said nicely, ruffling the young boy's hair. “You good?”

The blonde boy nodded, vlue beautiful eyes wide and adorable. “When is uncle coming back?” he asked, pouting his pink lips. He was adorable.

Harry patted the boy's head. “Soon, Theo, don't worry.”

He stood back up straight and I turned around, not wanting him to catch me staring at him. I walked next to Zayn, talking about what gun we were going to use. “I can't have a sniper, obviously, so I'mma just stick with a .45mm.” He shrugged, staring ahead.

“I'mma get .38mm.” I said.

“Good choice,” Louis turned his head to look at me as he walked in front of us. “Niall would be proud.”

I chuckled. “Yeah, definitely.”

“Hey, should we invite Thomas, too?” Kate suddenly said, making me gasp. Shit, I forgot about him. I felt bad for myself that moment. He used to be so concerned about my status the past three days and I forgot him. I felt really bad.

“Oh my God–yes,” I said.

“No.” Harry said right after me.

I turned to look at him, along with Zayn, Chris and Liam. “He went to sleep two hours ago, there's no need to wake him up for a game.” he said carelessly, looking away.

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