First Time for Everything~Part 1

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Since Ben had first spoken to you, you both have been talking everyday and he always walked you out after school. He ended up sitting next to you in class and you would both do your work together when it came to needing partners.

The bullying situation didn't get much better, but if someone would say anything to you, he would be sure to defend you. It was like having your own bodyguard.

With each day that passed, yours and Ben's feelings grew for one another. He knew he liked you from the start, but now that he knows you better, he's absolutely sure he's in love. His favorite moments with you is when you geek out of characters in shows or books. He loved listening to you go on and on about what you were so passionate about.

You were everything he hoped you'd be.

One day, while you two were waiting for the bell to ring, he leaned over to your desk and said, "So...I was thinking." You smiled and said, "Go on..." He bit his bottom lip and glanced around the room. He spotted some of the girls giggling at you, which got him angry.

He looked back to you, then said, "My parents left this morning for their weekend getaway and I was wondering if you would like to come over a movie?" You smiled shyly and looked down at your desk.

"Yeah," you said while looking up at him, "that sounds nice." He let out a breath of relief. "Good," he chuckled, "great! Um, would you like to come over right after school? We can work on homework for bit, then I can order us some pizza."

"Okay," you told him with a slight laugh. "Come with me to tell my dad?" That made him tense up a bit, but he agreed. Once the bell rang, he took your bag (like he did everyday) and walked you outside. He walked you up to your dad's car, where the window was rolled down.

"Hey, dad," you greeted as you peaked your head into the window. "Hey, sweetie," he said. He then looked to Ben and said, "Hey there, Ben." Ben gave him a shy wave. You smiled sweetly at your father and said, "So I'm going to go back to Ben's and do some homework, then have a movie night. Sound okay?"

Your dad looked to Ben, then to you, then back to Ben. "You've been a great friend to her," he told him. He pulled out his wallet and handed you some money. "For food or whatever for your movie night," he explained. "Have fun."

You smiled widely and giggled, "Thanks, dad! I'll be home later!" He waved at both of you before driving off. Ben let out a huge breath and looked down at the money in your hands. "Well, that was awfully nice of him. Let's get this thing started!"

Once the both of you walked to his place, you immediately wanted to see his room. He showed you, but also tried quickly cleaning it up as you looked around. "Sorry," he said. "I will admit that I didn't think I would have enough balls to invite you over, so I just kind of...left it."

You shrugged and told him, "It's fine. Mine's not much better. But look at all these awards!" You quickly walked over to his shelf. "Thespian awards, Rugby participation awards, Academic Awards...geez, is there anything you're bad at?"

He chuckled and stopped himself from cleaning. "I'm afraid I'm not that good at a lot of things." While you had your back turned to him, he took his time to admire you. How those people could make fun of you, he had no idea. You were so perfect in his eyes, it was unbelievable.

Tonight, he plans to make you his.

You both started your homework after he gave the grand tour of his house and got you both some drinks. You sat with him at the kitchen table and started helping each other with whatever subject seemed to stump you. With you, it was English.

Benedict Cumberbatch ImaginesWo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt