“Are you kidding me?” he let a light laugh. “We got plenty of soldiers ready to go out there and fight! Soldiers that have been training for months! But instead, he picked you, the one who's been here for a few weeks!” He claimed, raising his hand in the air.

“Ironic,” I chuckled, looking down at my hands.


“When I was out there alone, I was not sure about my skills, I was insecure. Now that I'm here and you made me better and I'm sure of what I'm capable of, I don't want to use my skills.” I muttered.

“No, no, Claire, don't say that.” He said, coming closer.

“I'm done with the army group. As long as Harry can't even see me, I can't be part of this project.” I shook my head. “I'm sorry.”

“Claire please, think about it,” he crouched down in front of me, his hands on my knees. “We all trust you, and we are grateful for what you did today. If it wasn't for you, he would've been dead now. You protected him when the rest of us couldn't.” He squeezed my knee gently. “You proved us that you belong in this army group.”

“No.” I argued lowly, looking up at his brown eyes. “I'm sorry, Liam. But I'm not gonna do this.”

A hint of disappointment appeared across his features. “Claire, don't put yourself down. He has forgiven you already, I'm sure. His heart..he's just not over the fact that he saw her dying in front of his eyes.” He muttered.

“I was scared that I would do something and screw everything up. And now it happened.” I let a small sigh. “I'm sorry, but I won't change my mind.”

He gave me a sad look before nodding. “Okay.” he murmured, standing up. “Let's go, you haven't eaten anything.”

“I'm not hungry.” I said flatly, placing the brush on the bedside table.

He gave me a blank look. “Claire.”

“I'm just going to sleep.” I ignored him as I pulled my legs up and dragged the blanket on top of me.


“Leave me alone Liam, please.” I said, turning on my side so my back was facing.

He eventually listened to me and left the room and closed the door, capturing me in the darkness and the my own cloud of thoughts.


Three days later.

He still hasn't spoken to me.

I haven't got to any of the training classes for three days.

The boys and Kate try to make me join them to the gym but I don't go.

Three days.

I stopped blaming myself for what happened and accepted the fact that what I did was exactly what I had to do. I saved Harry, and he should be thankful. But instead, he acts as if I don't exist.

It pissed me off. It really did. The fact that he doesn't thank me for still breathing but instead he wants me out of his life. I don't want him to come and kneel in front of me and ask for forgiveness after what he said because really, I have forgiven him for all the things he said to me, but I just want him to accept the fact that he was wrong and let go of his ego.

But for three days, he hasn't done that.

I barely left my room. It was much better staying alone in bed than being in public and seeing him sitting alone with his back facing me. The rejection stung.

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