"No, Sir. But thank you, that's nice of you to offer." Alex smiled again.


Mitch, on his way down the hall to the bathroom, bumped into Avi on his way back from his room.

Avi moved out of his way politely, but Mitch didn't walk past him. Avi tilted his head a little. "What's wrong, Peanut?"

"Alpha and I talked about why you hit him across the face. And I do not agree with your decision."

"It's in the past now, Mitchell. I can't fix it, I can't change it." Avi replied dismissively.

"Doesn't mean it was an okay thing for you to do." Mitch snapped.

Avi crossed his arms over his chest. "Don't you dare give me attitude."

Mitch copied his position, raising an eyebrow. "Well you're going around punishing people for no reason, I might as well give you something to be upset about to even it out."

"I didn't punish him. I was trying to help."

"How would slapping someone across the face help?"

"I don't know, I just panicked. I didn't want him to cry because of his rude father. His father doesn't deserve to get him upset like that."

"You could've hugged him, or--"

Avi interrupted. "You're getting all mad at me, but here's something. Where the Hell were you when this was all happening? Why was it my job to help him? Aren't you the one who is supposed to stop him from crying?"

"You're his Alpha."

"And you're his mate. His husband, eventually. Or at least I thought you were."

Mitch's jaw dropped a little. "That was rude."

"You're kind of asking for it. You weren't there for him. So it was either me, or he would've been sobbing in the bathroom all by himself." Avi argued.

Mitch clenched his teeth, keeping himself from shouting at his Leader.

"Would it make you feel better if I let you hit me?" Avi offered.

Mitch seriously considered that, but decided. "No. It wouldn't. But what will make me feel better is if you're super nice to him today. And I'm talking all day."

Avi squinted at him. "Fine. Then will you forgive me?"

"Yep. And... If you give him a hug every single time you see him."

"Okay now you're pushing it."


Avi walked straight back into the kitchen, where Scott was washing dishes, and hugged him as tight as he could, lifting him off the ground for a second, before walking away.

Scott took a second to catch his breath, and then stared at the doorway Avi had walked out of.

Mitch skipped over and smiled at him. "Hi!"

"Hi, honey. How are you?"

"Good. Want some help?"

"No, I'm almost done. But thank you, baby. That's really nice of you to offer."

"You sound like Alex."

Scott hesitated a second, and then lowered his voice's pitch as much as he could, before speaking again. "How about now?"

Mitch giggled loudly. "Now you sound like The Alpha."

Scott continued washing dishes, but laughed a little. "That's what I was shooting for."

Mitch giggled again, and then ducked down a little to sneak under Scott's arm, before standing up so that he would be in between the sink and Scott, looking up into Scott's eyes.

Scott just watched him do it, smiling. "What are you up to?"

"I just miss you is all."

"Miss me? From the ten seconds we were apart when I walked into the kitchen before you?"

Mitch giggled, reaching up to unbutton the top button on Scott's shirt, which was right at his eye line.

"Why'd you do that?"

"Looks cuter."

"Thank you, then. Always there to correct my fashion sense."

Mitch giggled once more, nodding. "It's what I do."

Scott continued cleaning, looking over Mitch to do so, but before he could finish, Mitch undid another button.

Scott froze, meeting his eyes. "If I didn't know any better, I'd say you were trying to seduce me."

"Guess it's a good thing that you know better." Mitch mumbled, winking at him, but undoing yet another button.

Avi walked into the kitchen, just grabbing himself some water, but stopped when he saw the other two.

Scott quickly dropped the dish, and turned to hide himself from Avi, before buttoning his shirt back up. "I'm sorry, Sir."

"Sorry for what?"

Mitch stared at Scott, who was blushing profusely. "Yeah, sorry for what?"

"For being half naked in the kitchen. I'm sorry about that."

Avi turned and took a step closer. "Half naked? Your shirt was open. That's it. And I'm pretty sure you used to walk around in just your underwear, so... I've seen worse."

Scott blushed again, facing him. "I'm sorry about that too..."

"About what?"

"You having to see that."

Mitch frowned at him. "I think we should have an underwear day, where we all walk around in our undies. Because you, my love, are more attractive than you'll ever know."

Scott looked over at him and squinted a little. "What does that have to do with--?"

Avi laughed once. "I like that idea, actually. We're all so damn, sorry Mitchell, insecure. Might as well take a day to appreciate what everyone looks like."

Mitch giggled and pulled on Scott's shirt to get his attention. "We're gonna see lots of boners."

Avi rolled his eyes and walked out of the room. "Alright, strip down everyone."


The Alpha And The Omega 3Where stories live. Discover now