Just A Little Longer~Part 1

Start from the beginning

Ben watched as you smacked your hand to your forehead. "Of course," you sighed. "You're Benedict Cumberbatch! I can't believe I didn't recognize you! Oh, I'm such an ass sometimes, I'm sorry." Ben laughed at your epiphany and said, "Really, don't apologize. I'm just glad you're not freaking out like most people would."

You shrugged and told him, "I'm not most people. Honestly, I'm a huge fan, I've seen all of your movies, but I think my jet lag is playing something on my memory and fan girl senses." Ben whole-heartily laughed and said, "I can absolutely relate to that. Where did you get in from?"

You told him about your hometown and that you were in London for about three months. "I was supposed to check into my hotel, but whoever was in there before me hasn't checked out and they still have to get my room ready and...yeah. It's going to be a few hours." 

Ben looked at you with furrowed eyebrows and said, "That's ridiculous. They should have at least offered you another room or a discount at best." You waved him off and said, "I'm using my dad's endless hotel points, so it doesn't matter. I just can't wait to get in and take a nap."

"Well, I'd be more than happy to keep you company until your room is ready,..." You told him your name. "...[Y/N]. Beautiful name. Anyways, I'd be more than happy to keep you company," he offered. "How about another coffee to start?" You smiled at him and said, "That sounds wonderful. Thank you." He got up from the booth and went and ordered you both a couple of coffees. When he came back, you were busy, typing away. 

He chuckled and set the coffee down next to you, causing you to jump a bit. "Oh," you said, "thanks!" You graciously drank the warm liquid, then started typing again. "What is it you write?" He asked. You glanced over to him, then said, "Various things. Horror, romance, adventure, fan fic."

"Oh God," he laughed, "fan fiction? I've read some of that over the years and it's not...normal." You giggled and told him, "Don't worry, I don't write erotic JohnLock stories. Though, they are entertaining." He chuckled, "That they are."

You both continued talking about yourselves for the remainder of the three hours. By the time the second hour set in, you felt like you were talking to an old friend. He listened to every word that came out of your mouth and you were hooked on his voice. It was even more erotic in person. 

"And so I'm running away from the police in my underwear! I swear, college was the best..." You trailed off your hilarious story that had Ben doubling over in laughter, when your phone started ringing. You saw it was the hotel, so you quickly answered it. 

Once they informed you that your room was ready, you let out a sigh of relief and said, "Thank you, I'll be there in a few minutes." You were too busy hanging up that you didn't noticed the flash of disappointment in Ben's face. 

You looked up to him with a sorry look and said, "My room is ready, so I should probably get going before they give it away." He nodded and said, "Of course! Um, might I ask where you're staying?" You told him the hotel and said how it was just around the corner. 

"Why do you ask?" You wondered. He scratched the back of his neck and chuckled nervously. "Well," he explained, "I was going to ask if you wanted to go out with me tonight. I know a place just across the street from the hotel if you're interested?"

You smiled widely and told him, "Yeah. Yeah, I'd like that. I'll meet you in lobby, let's say...seven?" He nodded and said, "Sounds great! I'll see you then." He went to shake your hand, but you opted to give him a kiss on the cheek instead. 

He blushed crimson red and gave you a shy school boy smile. "Until tonight," you said, before getting up and grabbing your things. He watched as you walked out and started walking down the street. He sat glued to his seat with the feel of your lips lingering on his cheek.

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