Chapter Two

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Chapter Two

Sunday, November 12th 20**, 10:17 PM

            “I’m so tired of being here.  Suppressed by all my childish fears.  And if you have to leave, I wish that you would just leave, ‘cause your presence still lingers here, and it won’t leave me alone.”

            Evanescence - My Immortal

            Her jacket wrapped firmly around her, the scarf her grandmother had knit for her, which was much too long for her was wrapped around her neck, covering her mouth, her gray eyes lit up merrily as she walked, pausing to stare down at her reflection in a puddle on the side of the road, making a face at it.

            It was a very cold evening, and on her way home from shopping for groceries, Fawn was taking her time, jumping in a few of the puddles she saw, her black boots and her striped stockings keeping her feet dry and warm, but her jeans getting a little bit wet from the water spraying in all directions.

            There was a soft layer of snow sprinkling the roads, and it had stopped snowing at least an hour before, the last remnants of yesterday’s snow mere piles of slush in the gutters.

            Fawn spun around, her blonde curls bouncing a little, but staying stuck in the back of her scarf, keeping the back of her neck extra warm.

            She loved the small town she lived in, she had been there for what felt like forever, and it was home to her.

            Fawn shouldered her bag, stomping on down the streets, her lips parted to show her pearly white smile, her breath staining the air with little clouds.

            The lamps overhead lit the ground she tread on like spotlights, and at the last one before the corner she had to turn around to get to the bridge she needed to cross to go home to her grandmother, she paused a moment and twirled, singing silently in an invisible microphone, then stopping and laughing.

            She loved her home town of Dimity, it was peaceful and nothing unexpected ever happened there.

            Fawn loved places she could do things at her own pace at.  Whistling a happy tune she turned around the corner.


I've been slacking with my author's notes... meh :P  too busy writing xD

Oh noez, what will Fawnie do? :3 What will Fawnie see, what will- ohmygosh look!  THer lies an eaten cookie, can you see it? --->

yeah, I ate it so.... you can't xD

sorry for the randomness, I'm really sleep deprived and hyper and I felt like adding some commentary~  

comments are welcomed, and loved :D

since you didn't see the cookie, you get one for eating :3  here's your cookie~  --> (::) eat it while it's warm and yummy and gooey :3

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