"He is very cute," Nicole smiled at me as I started unpacking the bag.

"Don't get any ideas," I warned jokingly.

"Oh shut up," Nicole laughed and started helping me unpack and set things up. Zayn came down a minute later and we all started helping ourselves to the food. I couldn't wait to eat because I was absolutely starved. We sat down at the table which was something we normally didn't do.

Zayn seemed like he was in a good mood and he didn't mind Nicole's company. He kept asking her lots of questions especially about her family life, school, and hobbies. I knew he was being polite and really didn't care but it was very sweet of him.

"How was work?" I asked when the conversation had sort of died down. I think Nicole was getting a little tired of being the center of attention.

"Pretty good," He smiled at me.

"Did you arrest anyone?" Nicole asked with a smile and Zayn shook his head while laughing.

"Not today, no. But I have before," He smirked and continued eating.

"What was the craziest arrest you've ever made?" She questioned and he started telling her about the time he and a few other cops sacked a crack house. They made at least ten arrests and although a few got away, they were soon caught.

After we finished eating, Nicole and I started cleaning up the kitchen and table. I didn't want to leave a mess to clean up later and while Nicole was here I knew she would help me.

"Do you mind if I go shower?" Zayn said to me and wrapped his arms around my waist. I could feel his breath on my head as started getting some paper towels to clean off the counter.

"Zayn, we have company," I looked up at him and he sighed. His caramel eyes looked tired and I couldn't help but feel sorry for him.

"Go ahead!" Nicole smiled. "I don't mind." He looked back at me and I nodded slowly. His lips pressed to mine quickly before he walked off. I desperately wanted him to kiss me longer but he must not be one for affection in front of my friends.

I sprayed the counters down and then started wiping them. "It's so weird that we're graduating soon..."

"I know! It feels like just last year we were freshmen who had never been to a crazy high school party..." Nicole chuckled and I smiled at the memories. We had been so innocent going into freshman year.

It was going to be so weird being separated from her. We had been together forever and now I would be going to college while she would be staying here. Since she wasn't a fan of school, she decided to take a year off and make money so she could pay for school herself. I was proud of her and her motivation to do so but I didn't know how motivated she would be once we graduated.

"You have to come visit me though," I smiled and threw away the dirty paper towels.

"Of course I will!" She said and gave me a big hug. "I'm surprised Zayn likes me..." Nicole said a minute later when we were loading the dish washer.

"What do you mean?"

"Well, you've probably told him about how I drink and party and persuade you to do so..." She sighed.

"Nicole...he's not going to be mad at you for those things. You're such a sweet person and I'm so glad that you two seem to be getting along," I smiled at her and gave her a hug.

We finished cleaning a few minute later and then when to the living room where we started watching a movie. We barely watched the movie and instead started talking about our future. Nicole admitted to me that she was nervous about taking a year off and everyone's opinions of her.

"I just don't want people to think I'm being lazy or...anything like that." She sighed.

"No! Taking a year off is such a smart thing to do! You know that school isn't really your thing so you're going to try to find something you love before going to school. You're getting a job so that you can pay for college which is so smart and I wished I would've done it." I smiled at her. "Don't worry about other people's opinions of you."

"I just hope that I actually get into a good school after this year..." She smiled weakly.

"Don't worry about the future because it's too far away! Just work on yourself this year and make as much money as possible," I ensured her.

"You're so sweet to me, Ava," Nicole smiled again and gave me a big hug. "I hope that I can get into the same school as you and we can be best friends on campus!"

"That would be absolutely insane and I would love it!" I smiled at her and we turned to the TV.

"Are you ready for it?"

"College?" I asked and she nodded. "I don't really have a choice, do I? I mean, I think over the summer I'll get more okay with the idea that I won't see any of the people from high school anymore. I'll have to make all new friends and get used to the new classrooms so it will be a little stressful, but I think I can deal."

"You'll help me out next year?"

"Of course!" I smiled at her. My phone buzzed and I looked down to see a message from Zayn. My eye widened when I saw that it said: I'm horny. Get her out.

"Who is it?" She questioned and I was flustered for a second.

"One of Zayn's sisters," I smiled at her and put my phone down. I could feel my heart starting to race and then I heard Zayn's footsteps. I looked up and he smiled at me. His hair was still wet but thank god he was fully clothed. I didn't want Nicole eyeing his naked torso. "How was your shower?"

"Good but it made me really tired," He smiled as he started getting some water from the fridge.

"Should I leave?" Nicole questioned and I shook my head. I didn't want to think I was kicking her out almost immediately. "Are you sure? I have work I need to do."

"If you want to leave, you can leave or you can stay if you want. It's up to you," I smiled at her and she sighed.

"I think I'll get going...I don't want to overstay my welcome," She giggled and stood up.

"Oh, Nicole! You weren't overstaying your welcome by any means!" I smiled at her and gave her a quick hug. "Anyways, thank you so much for coming over. It was so nice to have you here."

"It was so nice to be here," She smiled at me. Zayn came from behind me and gave Nicole a hug as well.

"It was very nice to meet you," He smiled sweetly at her.

"You too!" She said back to him. I led her to the door and gave her one big hug before watching her walk out to her car. When she drove away, I shut the door and then spun around to look at Zayn.

"You're horny, huh?"

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