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I rushed to the restroom for the second time today and threw what little I had left in me. What the fuck is wrong with me!?

"That's it, I've had enough!" I pushed myself up from the floor and went to the sink. While brushing my teeth, I sent a text to Oliver telling him I was going to the clinic because I wasn't feeling well. 

Clinics make me jittery. My leg is bouncing and I can't hold still. I was hoping I had food poisoning and not something serious, but I've never heard of someone having food poisoning for weeks. 

"Kingsley?" a nurse called out. I jumped up from my chair and hurried through the hall until I was led to the room. 

"Your doctor will be right in," she smiled her pearly whites and I sat on the little bench, hoping for the best. I started tapping my foot due to my impatience even though the clock said it'd only been a minute since the nurse left. Suddenly the door opened and an older looking man walked in. He had thinning white hair plus a beard and was shorter than myself. 

"Ah, Ms. Kingsley, I have the results of your blood tests here. Now you don't have any type of cancers or STD's which is definitely a good thing. You don't have food poisoning or anything like that, but Ms. Kingsley may I ask if you've been taking any prenatal vitamins or supplements?" he looked up from his clipboard he was glancing over.

"No? Why would I?" I answered confused, but then my heart stopped at what he said next.

"For the baby, of course. You're almost two months along." No. No. NO. I can't be. There's no way. We were careful. I'm on birth control. No, I would have noticed.

"But there's something odd about the baby, it's DNA sequence are way too similar to your own. What I'm asking is if you had sex with a close relative?" NO PLEASE GOD, NO THIS CANNOT BE HAPPENING.

"Wh-what? I was.. I was raped by my father.. about two.. months.. ago." OH MY FUCKING GOD, IT'S REAL. I'M PREGNANT.

"I'm so sorry Ms. Kingsley for that traumatic experience, but that would explain this. I want you to know if you intend to keep this baby this is a high risk pregnancy. Chances of a healthy newborn are slim to none, because it was indeed your biological father more than likely your baby will have a birth defect or mental retardation." 

I couldn't think, or breathe, or function. My world that was slowly being built back up just crumbled beneath my feet because even from the grave my father was still haunting me.

Oh my god, I'm pregnant.

I'm really pregnant.

With Samuel's baby. 

What am I going to do?

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