Chapter Three

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Running, that's all I thought about. I was running away from something terrifying, but I wouldn't look back to glance at it. I only knew my instinct and my gut told me to "just keep running." I ran for what seemed like forever when a heard a voice call out to me, "you can't run forever Laiya."


I woke up feeling my heart beating rapidly in my chest. I looked at my phone, and saw it was a little after 2 a.m. I decided to make myself useful seeing that I didn't want to go back to sleep any time soon. I changed out of my flying outfit and into some soft sweatpants and a cut big t-shirt to be more comfortable. I put my hair up in a bun on top of my head, and got to work.

I started unpacking an outfit for tomorrow. I was attempting to be quiet since I knew Adam was more than likely asleep. 

After I picked out my outfit and got my bathroom necessities, I decided to research these bands that I was going to be oh so close with for the next two months. 

I pulled up Google on my MacBook and typed in band after band listening to as many songs as possible. I really liked the sound of all of them. Of Mice & Men were very passionate and you could feel the passion in their lyrics. Memphis May Fire were awesome. Bring Me The Horizon were interesting. Woe Is Me were just full of life and I couldn't help but enjoy their little electronica moments. 

I've always been open to music, and these bands were amazing. Of Mice & Men really stood out though. I was intrigued by their music, and hoped I'd get to know them better while on the road.

That's when I felt myself grow weary by the minute, so I decided I had done enough research. I put my labtop to the side and laid back down. I was out before my head hit the pillow. 


I woke up to the smell of coffee. I got up, grabbing my iPhone along the way, and went out to the kitchen. I walked in and cleared my throat since Adam hadn't noticed my entrance.   

"Hey girly, I just made some coffee! Would you like.." He stopped mid-sentence and stared at me.   

"What?? Is there something on my face? What's wrong?!" I asked worriedly.   

"You.. Your.. Your eyes.. They're purple..." He said in awe.   

"Oh right, I had sunglasses on yesterday. Uh, yeah.. They're purple.. No need for a heart attack." I said sheepishly, giggling at his response to my eyes.   

I had gotten used to people's reactions, but this was probably one of my favorites. When the person is speechless, and just in awe, I find it to be adorable. My eyes were indeed a rare color,  purple. My purple was vibrant and full of life yet when I'd get depressed or sick they'd change colors. I was an oddity, but I was used to it. I reached for a coffee mug and started to pour myself some coffee while Adam was just.. there.   

"I mean.. okay. I'm cool." Adam recomposed himself, and startled me by saying "you know you're different. I like that. You'll fit in perfectly with us."  

I looked back at him feeling my heart lighten and smiled, "I prefer to be an oddity, so as long as you guys as are as cool than so am I."

"Awesome, I knew I picked the right one!" After that he walked off, and I finally looked around at everything. His kitchen was quaint, but sleek. His living room was well furnished, but looked like a model home not some place that had people living in it.

I walked out onto the patio that looked out over the city and I enjoyed the serenity of everything.   I pulled my iPhone out of my pocket and called the one person I knew would be waiting.  

"Laiya! Goodness, I've been worried sick about you! Why didn't you call like you said you would!?" Mrs. Nelson  exclaimed making me smile.  

"My apologies Mrs. Nelson. I meant to call, but as soon as I got to the place I'm staying I fell asleep due to the jet lag," I explained feeling guilty for not having called her.  

"Oh no worries, so how is California! Tell me everything," she asked and I felt myself lessen the guilt when I knew she wasn't mad.  

I explained everything and we chatted for a few more minutes until Adam came outside and told me that we were meeting the guys for lunch. I said my goodbyes to her, and told her I'd call her after the first night of tour to tell her how it went.  

I walked back inside to get myself together to finally meet the guys I'd be spending two full months with.  

Since I had already picked out the outfit the night before, I slipped it on with ease and then proceeded  to continue with my hair and make-up. I put on a simply smokey eye with eyeliner and mascara.  I curled my hair into waterfalls down my shoulders. I stepped back and looked at my outfit. I'm glad I had decided on light brown chiffon shirt with my ripped jeans, and my favorite studded leather jacket. I decided last minute against the booties, and went for my favorite oxfords.   

I heard Adam yell "come on slow poke!" and I grabbed my wallet and iPhone to join him. 

 He looked at me and said "damn, somebody cleans up nicely," with a wink.  

 I shoved him to the side with a smile and said "shut up, let's go Adam."  

With that notion, we were out and in the car off to the boys. I couldn't help, but feel myself become extremely worried. What if they don't like me? I'm weird. I'm not like other girls.. I don't know. Maybe this was a mistake. I thought to myself.  

"Quit worrying, you're gonna do great," Adam said with a smile.

  I really wanted to believe him, but my concious was getting the better of me. We pulled up to a huge house where a bunch of cars were parked, and I exhaled sharply.   

I looked at Adam with a small smile, and said "here goes nothing!" 

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