Chapter Twenty Six

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"Sam.. Samuel.. What.." I stuttered. Oh my god, he has a gun. 

"Shh, just come outside quietly," Samuel whispered. 

"Oh... okay," I bent down to slip on my Toms when I pressed record on my iPhone then slipped it into my basketball shorts. Standing back up, I made sure to keep my eyes on Samuel and the gun. I quickly walked outside and slowly shut the door hoping I wouldn't make a sound.

"Ah, did I wake you?"

"N-no. I was up already... I was just getting water." Keep him talking. "So, what are you doing here? You said I had two days."

"Here, these are for you," Samuel handed me the awful roses. "I know I'm early, but I just wanted to check up on you after your little 'incident.'"

"H-how did you.. how did you know about that?" I took the roses and set them down. 

"I was there. I saw you try to jump, but then your precious boyfriend came and rescued you," he spat. I could tell he was getting angrier with every second passing. Calm, stay calm.

"He's.. we're not.. he's not my boyfriend," I started backing up to the bus.  "I don't want him."

"Good, because if you did I would have to definitely take care of that issue right away," I looked away when he brushed strands of my hair behind my ear, but I recoiled from his touch which only ignited his fury. "Don't you fucking pull away from me," he grabbed my arm making me yelp from how hard he squeezed my arm. That was a mistake, because he squeezed even harder.

"Let go Samuel, I'm sorry. Please, just let me go." I begged hoping he wouldn't do anything rash.

"Fine. Get back inside before you piss me off even more," he released me throwing me at the ground. I scraped up my legs and arms catching my fall, but I quickly went back inside hoping he would leave but before I could shut the door he put his hand on the door to stop me. 

"Don't forget your flowers beautiful," he handed me the roses once with the big ugly smirk on his face and brushed his finger up my leg. "Get cleaned up, I don't want you all bloody when I bring you home." Then walked off as if he didn't have a care in the world. 

"Fuck!" I threw the roses in the trash and crumpled to the ground. Hoping I had recorded everything, I pulled out my phone and checked it. Our full 5 minute conversation was recorded, thank god, I thought. I saw I had a few text messages which were all from Austin.

"I'm sorry I ran off and left you."

"Laiya, are you okay?"

"Please answer me.

"I know I don't deserve you, but I still want this."

"I love you Laiya, and that will never change."

The last text was my undoing. Even with the entire day that I spent crying, I still found a few spill down my cheeks. My heart ached for him and he just had this profound effect on me to make me want him. How could that be? I cared for Oliver, I wanted Oliver, so then why is it so damn hard to get rid of my feelings for Austin?

Things just got a lot more complicated.

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