Chapter Twenty Four

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With his hungry lips against mine, I could almost forget everything that has happened between us. But reality isn't that forgiving, and soon all I could see in my mind was Ashley's smug face the day after they had sex under my bunk. What am I doing?

"Austin, stop," I mumbled against his lips pushing him away with what little strength I had. He sat back looking deeply into my eyes. "I can't do this. I know you love me, but I don't trust you."

"Laiya.. at least give me.."

"I'm with Oliver." I blurt out before Austin can even finish his sentence. I turned away from him, ashamed of myself but he needed to know. I pulled out my pack of cigarettes and put one in my mouth needing their toxicity more than ever. Lighting the cigarette, I inhaled deeply feeling it burn my raw throat but I didn't care. 

"You're.. already.. with someone else?"

"I'm sorry." It was all I could think of to say to him. I looked at him finally and what I saw crushed me. He had tears streaming down his face. "Austin, please, don't."

"No, I get it. I fucked up, and you're with someone who deserves you. I'm sorry I wasted your time."

"Austin, you didn't.."

"No, I did. Let's just get back."

"Please, could we just."

"Lets. Get. Back." He was so stern with me that I felt tears prick my eyes, but I pushed them away. He turned and walked back into the forest assuming I'd follow. I got up  from my spot on and gazed out once more at what felt like the edge of the world. I choked back the tears that were threatening to spill once more down my cheeks.

Inhaling the salty air, I composed myself again when I heard a snap coming from close by. I turned quickly looking everywhere fearful of what or who could be out here with me. Out of the corner I saw a branch move and the moon illuminated a figure standing there. Without a second thought, I started sprinting. My lungs were burning and my legs ached from running so much, but I couldn't stop. I had to get away from whoever it was although I was pretty sure it was Samuel. I soon heard footsteps catching up to me, but I pushed further throught the woods. I didn't care that twigs and branches were scratching me up; all I cared about was getting the hell out of there.

Everything was a blur to me as I ran by which is why I didn't see the roots sticking out from the ground causing me to trip. I stumbled and fell to the ground hard hitting my head on the thick root. I soon felt a hot liquid rush from the spot it hit and my vision turned to see who chased me, but I consumed by darkness before I saw their face.

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