Chapter Six Part 1 First Impressions And Lasting Depression

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Dear readers

Yes i'm alive. 

Well i know i've uploaded after along time i'm not gonna put in the exact duration cause umm *nervous tug at collar* i don't really want to see it. Let's just say it's been a long, long time. All i can say in my defense is that i had an awful case of writer's block that let me tell you is downright frustrating. Then i had to plan out the climax which is vital for me to figure out. Then after that i had to sending my applications to colleges and then blah blah blah well as you probably figured i've been busy.

this chapter was written in a crazy impulse at midnight and i could not finish writing the whole chapter cause i'm sleepy and in a state where a zombie has a better chance of passing of as human than me (ok blabbering sleep symptoms) Anyways so i've uploaded part 1 of chapter six and i'll upload part 2 as soon as i get time.

This chapter is dedicated to my best friend who also happens to be a fan. Word of advice to all wattpad writers never, NEVER EVER let your friend become your fan cause they have something the others don't.

Your phone number.

To say i've been constantly harassed on the phone would be an understatement. Anyways you have to thank rich_lime22 for constantly calling up me with dreadful conversations that basically included phrases like "why haven't you uploaded yet" or "when is chapter 6 comming?" or "what were you doing now wasting time go write!" She has this uncanny ability to make you feel like a naughty child.

But still thank you rich_lime22 without you we would still be on chapter five. And hopefully i can now stop pretending to be asleep when i see your caller id and we can talk about better things.

Anyway enough of my blabbering. Please read and enjoy!!! And please comment as to what you think it's been a long time since i've written again and i want to know if i have lost it.

i'm aiming for 15 votes so please help me in this quest of mine (gosh i feel like i've gone back to the 14th century)

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<======== FAN!

-em aka violetink



My mother checked my temperature. I slowly collected the hell fire in my essence under my skin, not allowing it to project but successfully letting my skin heat up.

“You have a fever! And quite high that too…” My mother groaned. “I’m sorry Arabella. I shouldn’t have left you alone- look you’ve fallen sick. My poor baby, take a long rest now.”

“What about school?” I asked huskily because of guilt.

My mom took it as a raspy tone due to weakness. “I’m sorry Arabella I don’t think you can attend tomorrow. I’ll make some calls to notify them you won’t be able to make it. You can start from Tuesday if you’re better. Your health is more important honey.”

My mother stroked my forehead like she always does and wrapped my quilt around me. I closed my eyes not wanting her to glimpse my lie in them.

“Do you want anything dear?” My mother asked at the doorway.

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