"Lex...I'm so happy you're here."

"Is he still acting up?"

"Yeah...He's trashed his room. He won't come out or let us in. He hasn't slept all night. He's just in there trashing his room in between throwing up. I've tried to calm him down. Usually I can but..."

"I'll try." I nodded, wrapping my arms around her, giving her a tight hug but I really wanted to get upstairs, afraid of what I would find but ready to face it anyway.

I made my way up the stairs, climbing them two at a time. I hastily walked down the hallway, wincing at the sound of a loud bang, obviously being Noah continuing to trash his room. I'd never seen him this way. I guess his parent's affair pushed him over the edge, but I wanted my calm, considerate Noah back.

"Noah..." I knocked on his door, pressing my ear to the wood, the noises stopping.

"Noah...open the door. I'm here. Just let me in."

I figured I would have to plead with him, but within seconds the lock clicked and I turned the knob opening the door to find Noah already sitting at the end of his bed, head buried in his hands. His room was completely trashed, trashed meaning, every single one of his belongings damaged in one way or another. His skin looked pale and as he looked up, I could see dark circles around his eyes, making his appear almost zombie-like.

"Noah..." I whispered, looking around his room, my chest aching at the mere sight of him.

I made my way over to him, kneeling in front of him, taking his face into my hands, my fingers running over the slight stubble there.

"Noah, why did you do this?"

"Because...I...I don't know. I'm angry. I just want to disappear. You don't want me." he nearly cried, pulling away from me and lying down on his bed.

I crawled on his bed, pulling his shoulder back so that he would look at me. I straddled him, knowing it was wrong but doing it anyway. My lips pressed to his forehead holding his head before pulling away, peppering kisses all over his face, my lips lingering on his cheekbone. He always said that was the way to his heart, cheekbone kisses, claiming that was the "sweet spot."

"You know that's not true, Noah."

"Then why weren't you here for me last night? I needed you and you were gone. I wanted you to come and stop me, stop me from drinking and trashing my room, but you didn't. You left me alone and I had to go to Meg. I had to..."

Tears formed in my eyes at the thought of him with Meg, her comforting him instead of me. I didn't want to think about it but that's all that ran through my thoughts as I climbed off Noah, sliding away from him, sitting with my legs crisscrossed on the mattress.

"Don't cry. That's the last thing I want to see right now."

I wiped my tears away and reached out for his hand, playing with his long digits.

"You need to go take a shower. I'll change your sheets and you can sleep while I clean up your room." I muttered, avoiding his eyes, finding it hard to do so.

"Will you come with me, shower with me?"

I looked up to find his eyes pleading, but I shook my head, knowing damn well I couldn't take things that far, to that level of intimacy when my boyfriend is at home sleeping in my bed. I felt wrong for even being here but I'd do what it took to help him feel better,

"No, Noah. You know I can't. It's not our time, Noah. We can't...I can't do that to Cole."

"It's just a shower."

Extinguisher (A Sequel to Firefighter)Where stories live. Discover now