"I don't know! It's not the same. You have to understand that I'm not used to this. I have never slept with someone before, and-"

"Bullshit! We have slept together before Scarlet! There is absolutely nothing different about this situation and the others." He throws his hands up in exasperation.

"No, that's not what I meant! I have never shared a bed with a boyfriend, or husband in this case. And, I just don't feel ready for it. It's weird." I explain.

"Oh, and you think I am used to this? Do you think I have shared my bed with anyone before?" his voice is gruff.

"Well... you have slept with other women so-" once again he cuts me off.

"So what!?" He bellows. "That doesn't mean that I have shared my bed before. The women I have slept with have never been to my house. They  never slept in my bed. So don't you try to act like the victim because you are not the only one who was forced into this shit? This is strange for me too. I don't know how to feel at the idea of sharing my personal space with a... girl," he finishes.

"Girl?" I repeat. He nods, crossing his arms across his chest. "I am not a girl anymore. And I am not trying to act like the victim, Harry. I just want you to understand my point. I just need a little of understanding. That is all." My eyes well up with tears. Why is it that I cry all the time we argue? I used to be pretty good at keeping my shit together, but since I met Harry I have lost control of my emotions and I hate it. I hate showing weakness in front of people, especially in front of him.

He does not say anything. His eyes regard me intensely and in that cold way he always has. I open my mouth to say one more thing, but he speaks first. "I've heard enough," he states and walks out of the bedroom, slamming the door behind him. I jump, startled, and the tears fall down.

­­A knock on the door startles me awake. I had fallen asleep on Harry's bed after he left. I sniffle, and open the door. A woman is on the other side of the door. She has black hair pulled back in a low bun, pale skin with a few wrinkles in it, kind hazel eyes, and she was a bit taller than me. Maybe about 5'5". I am confused. Who is this woman? "I am sorry for waking you, Mrs. Styles. Mr. Styles gave us orders of preparing one of the guest rooms for you. I just wanted to let you know it is ready." This is when I notice her impeccable black uniform. She must be one of the servants.

"Oh, um... thank you...?" I trail off not knowing her name.

"Pardon my manners. I did not introduce myself. My name is Maura," she gives me a sweet, maternal smile at the end. So this is who Harry was talking about.

"Thank you, Maura." I smile back at her. Her eyes are concerned as they scan my blotchy face.

"Are you feeling well, Mrs. Styles?" she asks.


"If you would like, I can take your belongings to your bedroom?" she offers.

"Oh, yes. That would be great, but let me help you with them. There are many suitcases and I would like to help you."

"Ma'am, that is not necessary. The other maids will help me," she smiles. I nod and move out of the way to let her into the bedroom. A few other maids walk in minutes later and soon Harry's bedroom is free of suitcases.

I can't believe he actually agreed to do this. I was sure he wasn't going to let me sleep in another room. I should thank him. I walk out of his room, and make my way down the stairs. I search for him around the big house, but he is nowhere to be found.

"Can I help you with something, Mrs. Styles?" a tall, young maid asks me. She is probably my age.

"Um... uh, have you seen Harry anywhere?" I ask her.

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