Chapter Thirty-Seven

Start from the beginning

"I'm just sitting here talking to you... No! Okay, I'll see you when I get back to my dorm." Gemma grinned, looking up to make sure no one was listening. She didn't mind if Annabelle heard, she liked Annabelle, and it's not like she could tell anyone. "Love you too, bye!" Gemma rushed out and hung up as Harry and Anne sat down.

"Who was that?" Anne asked, pulling a water out of the cooler.

"No one, just my roommate." Gemma lied, looking at Annabelle, who smiled back and nodded.

"You tell your roommate you love them?" Harry's face was confused and Gemma's was still pink.

"She's my best friend."

"You have friends?" Harry laughed at his own joke and Annabelle hit his arm.

"You have a girlfriend?" Gemma shot back, making Harry cross his arms and Annabelle high-five her.

"Hey, you're my girlfriend!" Harry took Annabelle into his arms, pulling her away from his mean sister.

"Enough, children." Anne jokingly said as she gave them both a slap on the head. Harry was still holding onto his girlfriend and kissed the top of her head before letting her go, only for her to fall onto his lap and continuously poke his chest until he pushed her off and made them both laugh. Annabelle made a mental note to hang out with Harry and his family more often. She liked them.

To: Sandy
I'll let you know when I'm back in town.


Annabelle had taken her wet t-shirt off and sat on the couch while Harry was in the shower. She had raced him, and lost for the first time that week. She leaned back, playing a game on her phone. She heard a buzz come from Harry's phone on the table beside her and ignored it, trying to focus on her game. When it buzzed a second time. She looked down to see he had a new message from Sandy. Her heart immediately sunk to her stomach and she unconsciously pulled the blanket Harry had used last night to sleep on the couch (he still wouldn't let Annabelle sleep on the couch) and wrapped herself up in it, feeling cold and insecure all of a sudden. Why would he be talking to Sandy?

She tried to resist the urge to pick up his phone and read the message. She didn't want to be that type of girlfriend, the kind who didn't trust her boyfriend and went through his phone when he was in the shower. How typical would that make her? She pulled the blanket tighter around her freezing, half naked body and stared at his phone screen as it turned black. It vibrated again, reminding him every few minutes that he had an unseen message. She couldn't stand it, she picked up his phone and unlocked it.

From: Sandy
Can't wait! Maybe dinner at my house again?

Annabelle read the recent messages, seeing Harry had been talking to her for a long time, not just today. She noticed Sandy's annoying flirting and constant winkie-faces. It disgusted her and annoyed her, of course it annoyed Harry too, right? Apparently not, if he continued to talk to her. Annabelle took notice to the word "again." He'd been to Sandy's house before?

She quickly locked his phone and sat it back down, walking into her bedroom to get some clothes. She threw a t-shirt and pair of cotton shorts on over her bikini and grabbed her headphones and phone, walking out of the room and down the hallway until she reach the elevator. She made her way down to the beach, where she had spent most of the day, and sat down in the cool sand. Everyone had left the beach and the sky was beginning to get dark. Her curly, frizzy hair whipped around her face as the salty wind blew around her. She pushed her hair away from her face and put her headphones in, blasting Twenty One Pilots in her ears, hoping the angelic voice of Tyler Joseph would help her get over her hurt feelings. Her feelings were too fragile sometimes. She wished she could stop getting upset over such small things. Was this even considered a small thing? Her boyfriend had been texted the girl who made her high school experience total shit, was offering to hang out with her, and had been to her house. Wasn't that a bit messed up? Annabelle had never been in a relationship before, but she had seen other people in relationships, she had seen the movies and read the books. She knew he wasn't supposed to be talking to someone else, but she didn't want to seem jealous or clingy. She wanted to give him plenty of space and try to trust him. She just couldn't get over the fact that it was Sandy, out of all people on this earth.

Annabelle's knees were pulled up to her chest and her chin rested on them while her hands where tucked between them and her stomach. She felt her phone vibrate a couple times, and ignored it until it vibrated a fourth time. She didn't want to talk to Harry, but she didn't want him to worry about where she had gone.

8:16 PM
From: Harry
Where did you go?

8:30 PM
From: Harry

8:36 PM
From: Harry
Answer your damn phone

8:38 PM
From: Harry
Don't make me go find your parents and make them search for you.

Harry knew how much she despised her parents, he knew they would find her and scold her for running off and not telling anyone, as if she were still a child that needed to be constantly watched by an adult.

8:40 PM
To: Harry
i'm fine

8:41 PM
From: Harry
Where are you

8:43 PM
From: Harry
Where are you

8:44 PM
From: Harry
Where are you

8:45 PM
From: Harry
Where are you

8:45 PM
To: Harry
i'm on the fucking beach damn

Annabelle only cussed like that when she was angry. She usually didn't say many curse words, but when she was angry or annoyed, she cursed like a sailor. It was probably a habit she needed to break, but she didn't care enough to do anything about it.

As Harry approached the girl, he kept in mind that she was, for whatever random reason, very upset. He sat down beside her and she kept her eyes ahead of her. He reach up to pull one of the headphones out of her ear, hoping he wouldn't startle her or upset her any more than she was.

"What's wrong?" He asked, moving her hair behind her shoulder. She shrugged, making her hair fall back down to hide her face from him. "I'm guessing it's something I did, yeah?" Harry was confused. They have been having a good week together, he's been doing his best to make her have a great time and enjoy being so close to him the whole time. Maybe she just needed space. They had been in the same room and right beside each other almost the whole time for four days now.

Annabelle took her other headphone out after pausing Tyler Joseph's voice. She unlocked her phone and began scrolling through Tumblr, seeing pictures of her favorite bands and singers and a few funny posts. She wasn't in a laughing mood, though. Harry stayed silent after that, hoping she would pay attention to him if he had just given her time. After fifteen minutes of sitting there quietly, watching her do nothing important on her phone, he began to get agitated.

"I didn't do anything." He spoke, which made her lock her phone and turn to look at him. "I don't know why you've decided to be angry at me out of the blue like this. I've done nothing but try to help you have a good time on this vacation." His tone was firm, a tone that wasn't very familiar to Annabelle when it was coming from Harry. Annabelle's mind was racing with thoughts and options. She couldn't decide what to do, whether she wanted to keep holding the grudge and ignore him or whether she wanted to tell him and risk being caught for reading his texts. She knew she shouldn't have looked through his messages, but the way he was getting angry at her for being upset made her stand up and start walking away. He quietly followed her back to the hotel room and didn't speak another word to her the entire night. She took her teddy bear and laid on the couch, covering up with the blanket before Harry could beat her to it. He decided not to argue, he didn't want to make things worse, but he knew how much sleeping on the couch had hurt his back the past few days and he wasn't about to let the same thing happen to his fragile girlfriend. After she fell asleep, he turned off the television, picked her up, and took her to the bed. He laid her down, laying her teddy beside her and covering her up with the many blankets from her home and kissing her forehead before heading to the couch for another night of restlessness and back aches.

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