"Who are you?" he asked, voice cold.

"Claire." I answered quietly.

"No, I mean who are you? The real you?" he leaned even closer, making me collide with the wall behind me.

It was too hard to breathe as I stared down to his heart-shaped lips that were so close to my own. Fear and a burning desire were both kept in my stomach, making me struggle to pick what to do.

"I'm Claire." I mumbled slowly. There was nothing I was hiding, and there was no one else that I was.

My eyes snapped up to meet his. He was reading through me. Trying to find a hint of lie. I was so scared, my heart was thudding faster than ever. I was also a bit hurt, knowing that Harry didn't trust me. But he couldn't really trust me, right? I was here for about three days. He barely knows me. But still, something within me hurts more than nessesary about the fact that Harry doesn't trust me.

He narrowed his eyes, staring at me suspiciously. "You expect me to believe that?" he said, voice coming out like a growl. "Your aim is one of the best, you survived for half a year all alone out there and you beat my record." Anger appeared across his features. "So who are you? A random person that has no experience wouldn't make it like you did. So tell me, Claire, who are you and whom you work for?" he put emphasis in his words. I could see that that moment, it was like he hated me for some reason, and I hate it.

"I told you. My dad trained me and Kate since we were little. I'm not working for anyone. And I'm nobody else than myself." I said, holding my ground. Scared or not, I wasn't going to accept others to think of me wrong.

He stared at me for a few more seconds skeptically, not even moving away. We were still dangerously close, and I could smell his scent and feel his hot breath against my lips. I seriously was about to melt. Something like a burning wave of lust had surrounded me, and all because of those forest green mesmerizing eyes.

"You're joining the army group," he was dead serious as he said that. "I don't want traitors." I had chills the moment he said that.

I nodded, gulping. "If you don't trust me, then why do you put me in the army group?" I asked, raising a brow. I suddenly felt more confident about myself and I didn't back down to look him right in the eye with the same serious expression he had.

He hummed and looked down to my lips for a moment, making my heart flutter. I was a bit lightheaded that moment, but I kept myself together. He bit his lower lip, teasing my hormones as I started burning again deep inside. He looked back up to my eyes and finally pulled away, giving me the space to actually breathe.

"Because you got skills, and we need them." he answered and turned around, grabbing a plate and continuing his unfinished job.

I inhaled and looked down. I grabbed the towel and finished what I started, keeping the distracted thoughts in my head for later. I just hope tomorrow Harry will have completely erased the thought of me being a traitor.


"Wake up, sunshine! Time to grab some guns and get bullets on the other side!"

I groaned at the sound of Niall's voice coming from the other side of the door and the knocks. Last night Harry and I finished around 1am, and I was certain that I didn't even sleep for nine hours straight.

"Please, just thirty minutes more." I pleaded, hiding my face under the blanket.

"No, sorry to ruin it to you sweetheart, but you have to wake up now!" his voice escalated at the end, showing how important this day is.

I pulled down the blanket and sat up. "Fine! I'll be out in ten." I sighed as I stood up. I was seriously too sleepy to even move.

"Good. And just so you know, I have a watch with me."

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