He finally hit the ball and he completely missed the hole. The ball bounced back and went about halfway from the wall and the hole. "Your turn."

I moved to my ball and hit it in with one try. Zayn took out the scorecard and wrote down two strokes for the first hole. It ended up taking him three tries in total to get it into the hole. "Off to a bad start, huh?" I smirked at him as we picked up our balls and made our way to the second hole.

"Just a little rusty, that's all," He winked at me. I went first for the second hole because I had beat Zayn's score the hole before. There was a steep incline in the beginning and then a huge drop off. You had to make sure not to hit it too hard or else it would go over the boundary.

I made the mistake of hitting it too hard and having it bounce off of the bricks and into the shrubbery. "Nice job," Zayn chuckled at my mistake. I stuck my tongue out at him and went again. This time I was right against the brick wall so I considered that a good job.

Zayn ended up doing the same thing that I had done on my first stroke. "Nice job," I retorted to which he stuck his tongue out at.

By the last hole, Zayn was losing by two strokes. Although he vowed to make a comeback, he never ended up doing it. He went first on the 18th hole which was just a straight but hilly course. There was a sign that said if you got a hole in one on the 18th hole that you would get a free ice cream. We both tried but failed at getting a hole in one.

"So much for being rusty, huh?" I smirked at Zayn as we made our way back to the place where we got our balls and putters.

"I guess I was just off my game..." He made an excuse with a smile and I laughed. We both knew I was a better mini-golfer than he was. We put our things back and then made our way outside.

"Rock climbing or go karting next?"

"Hm, let's do rock climbing first," He smiled and took my hand. I paid for two tickets so we could race each other. There was a short line that consisted mostly of younger kids and their parents. As we waited, Zayn's arm held me close to him. "I'm totally gonna cream you." He whispered in my ear as the people in front of us went in to rock climb.

"That's what you thought about mini-golf, look what happened there..."

"You see, mini-golf is more of a luck sort of game-"

"That sounds like something a sore loser would say," I joked with him and he couldn't help but laugh.

"Rock climbing is more of a strength thing. I would say I have more strength than you..." He chuckled and squeezed my shoulder gently.

"I would have to agree with you about that. But you never know..." I smirked and turned my head to watch the little boy struggle to climb up the rock wall. His arms and legs were too short to reach some of the pegs or whatever they were called. He was only able to get about halfway up before he repelled down while his father went all the way up and dinged the bell.

Once they were out of the harnesses, Zayn and I walked forward to get suited up. "Count us down!" Zayn smiled at the kid who was running the thing.

"Three, two...one!" He shouted and Zayn and I were off. I have to admit Zayn had a better start at the beginning than me but I caught up to him in the middle. I feel like I definitely got the harder course as Zayn powered through his. He reached the top but waited until I got to the top as well.

"Let's go slowpoke!" He shouted even though I was only five feet below him. I giggled and kept going until I reached the top. I dinged the bell and Zayn winked at me. "Looks like you won!"

"Ha ha, very funny," I laughed as I propelled myself down. I reached the bottom before Zayn and the kid came to undo my harness. I waited for Zayn to be done before taking his hand and walking out of the area.  "Go-kart time?" I questioned and a big smile appeared on his face.

It was a quick walk over to where the course was. There was a race going on at the moment so we had to wait in line to go for the next race.

"I was thinking that we could just get food here..." I blushed. I didn't have enough money to take Zayn out to some fancy restaurant like he did to me. I only wished I could do that.

"Sounds like a plan to me!" He smiled and squeezed my hand.

"Are you having a good time?"

"Of course I am! This has been such a great date so far, sweetheart," He smiled and kissed my cheek. "Maybe you should plan all of our dates because I'm having such a good time..."

"I think I'd run out of ideas pretty quickly..."

The go-karts finally stopped racing around the track and people filed out. I paid for our rides and then we each got into a car.

"My car's automatically going to be faster than yours because it's red," Zayn smirked at me and my bright yellow car.

"Um, nice try, Zayn. I'm going to destroy you!" The countdown began and both Zayn and I were both already pressing hard on the gas. If the people in front of us would've gotten out of the way we would have rocketed right by them.

The buzzer went off and the person in front of me flew out. I followed straight behind and it was only when I turned around when I noticed that Zayn was stuck behind some man and his kid who couldn't figure out how to work the car for some reason. I quickly turned back around and focused on my driving.

When I rounded the last corner, I finally saw Zayn coming out. He had to wait for everyone else on my side and everyone behind him to leave before he finally left. The guy and his kid were in another car because that one ended up not working. Bad luck for Zayn, I guess.

By the time I got back to the entrance, Zayn was just getting away from some grandmother who was going a measly five miles an hour. We were side by side for a minute or so.

"I can still beat you, sweetheart," Zayn smiled and swerved away from a car that was going slowly.

"You have a full lap to make up for. Even if your car was faster than mine you still couldn't beat me..." I winked at him. "Guess it is luck!"

We went around a turn quickly and Zayn bumped my car which sent it flying into the tires which blocked us from leaving the circle. "Guess so!" He yelled as he blew past me.

I tried by best to get out of the place I was in, but the stupid cars didn't have reverse so I was stuck there until some pimple covered preteen came out and moved me. He was walking at a snail's pace so by the time I was unstuck, Zayn was already ¾ done with the lap.

"You've got to be kidding me," I groaned and started my car off again.

AN: Sorry for the long wait! School has been very, very stressful and it's finals week so that won't help much. I hope to write a lot of Christmas break because I have over a month off!!!!!!

I hope you enjoyed this update!! I love you guys!!! xoxoxoxooxox

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