Into the Bunker (part 2)

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3rd Person P.O.V

The man led Dipper and Meagan through the tunnel into a bigger cave. "Come in, come in! I apologize for the state of things! I don't get many non-mole people visitors. Now the beast must have some weakness we can exploit. I just wish I had my research on me. But alas, I lost my journals so many years ago," the man said in distress.

Meagan and Dipper looked at each other, eyes wide. "Did you say journals?" Meagan asked.

"Dude, we found one of them! That's how we tracked you down here," Dipper said as he pulled out the journal.

"What?! Could it be?" the man asked. He took the journal from Dipper. "My children! I can't express my gratitude!" he exclaimed. He turned away from the kids and flipped through the pages. Meagan and Dipper smiled at each other, thinking that they helped. "Oh yes, after all these years..."

The three sat down as the man kept flipping through the journal creepily. "Yes, yes. It's all here," he muttered to himself.

"Meagan! Isn't it amazing? We're actually meeting the real author!" Dipper whispered to Meagan, who was picking up a nearby can of beans.

Meagan looked at the picture on the can before gasping and biting her lip. She held the can out to Dipper, looking scared. "Dipper! Look!" she whispered. Dipper took the can from Meagan and looked at it. The man who was looking through the journal was the same man that was on the can. Dipper set the can down and looked at his girlfriend worried.

He stood up and walked over to the man. "Uhh, you know what? We should probably get going. Can I have my journal back?" Dipper asked the man, nervously.

The 'man' blinked his eyes sideways and turned his head 1800 to look at the kids. "You're not going anywhere," he said with a deep voice. He crawled up a wall and turned into its true form.

"AAAAAAAAAAHHHHH!!!" the two screamed. Dipper pushed Meagan behind him. They were both wide eyed.

The man turned out to be the very shape shifter that they had been talking about. He laughed. "How do you like my true form?" he asked. "Go on, admit it, you like it!"

Dipper got angry. "You! What did you do to the real author?!" he demanded.

"You'll likely never find out. That six-fingered nerd hasn't been himself in thirty years! But I thank you for bringing me his journal. He used to write it while I was in my cage. So many wonderful forms to take!" the shape shifter said. He flipped through the journal and transformed into so many different creatures including the gremloblin, a gnome, and the hide behind, laughing each time.

"We've gotta get that journal back!" Dipper whispered to Meagan.

She nodded. "Hey body snatcher!" Meagan yelled. She picked up the can of beans and threw it at the shape shifter. "Snatch this!" The monster dodged it, turned into a giant frog monster, and lashed its tongue out at Meagan. She held up a piece of metal to block the tongue, made it back lash its tongue and made the monster drop the journal.

Dipper ran over and grabbed it. "RUN! RUN! RUN!" he shouted. The two ran down the tunnel, knowing that the monster was following them. The two came to a fork in the tunnels so Dipper through is flashlight down one and hid in the other, clutching Meagan tightly against him. The two watched as the monster fell for their trick. The two then ran down the hall only to crash into Mabel, Wendy and Soos. They tumbled down the tunnel before finally landing. They all greeted each other excitedly, but Dipper then grabbed Meagan and backed up a bit. "Wait! How do we know they're not the shape shifter?" he asked skeptically.

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