Aaron Hotchner X Autistic Son Reader

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Request: Hi! Hope your doing okay, I wanted to know if you could do one with Aaron Hotchner and the reader is his son who's 16 and autistic? The reader gets a meltdown at school and the school doesn't know how to handle it and accidentally makes it worse so they panic and call Hotch who immediately drops everything he's doing and rushes over to the school to calm him down and take him to the office with him so they can be together in a quiet place?

I love this Idea the amount of times I've had a meltdown at college and I was alone sucked ass, the trwchers try but really they make it worse I know how
Y/N feels in this.

Third person pov...

The halls of Virginia High are buzzing with sounds and crowds as the bell for second period sounds, the students wave goodbye to their friends as they go off to class.

Y/N Hotchner was enjoying the day for once, nothing had gone wrong for the autistic teen, he was walking to his next class which was F/C (favourite class) he walked through the busy hallways.

He hated the feeling of people brushing up against him so he was allowed to leave the classroom after everyone else so the hallways weren't as busy.

Making sure his headphones were on the teen left the classroom and went on his way, as he did a teacher he didn't know called out to him, though he couldn't hear her.

"Hey stop!" She grabs the students shoulder, Y/N twisted away from the hand holding him, eyes squeezed shut in pain, he couldn't stand when someone touched him unless he knew their touch. (His Dad , Brother and the Team).

As he twisted the hand finally left this shoulder, he could feel his heart in his throat. "Shit" he muttered sliding down to the floor he flaps his hands as a way to calm down though it did nothing.

The teacher watched the teen confused and worried. She knelt doen next to him "are you okay" she asks the boy, Y/N shook his head he just wanted her to leave him alone.

Shutting his eyes he banged his head against the lockers behind him attempting to fight of the meltdown he knew was coming.

'Piss off, Piss off, Piss off' the 16 year old thought in his head. He hated this overwhelming feeling of losing control over his emotions and actions.

The teacher wouldn't budge. "Hey, don't do that" she reached out to stop him but was cut off from the boy speaking. "Pis-of" she leant closer to hear him.

"What did you say?" She questioned him.

Y/N looked up at her staring at her forehead, E/C eyes narrowed "piss off" he ended up yelling, this surprising the teacher, he then jumped up from the floor and sprinted off in a random direction.

The teacher was left standing in the corridor, eyed wide as the student ran off. She then went to talk to another staff member.

Y/N ended up running outside of the building, he needed to get away and his flight or fight response was kicking in, he didn't mean to snap but the teacher was making it worse like usual.

He did have a lanyard that explains he was autistic and to not touch him but knowone really looked at it or cared about it.

The teen eventually stopped running and realises he was in the field of his highschool, he decided to sit under a tree he always goes to when he was overwhelmed.

Rocking back and forth he begins trying to calm himself down though it wasn't working well. He flaps his hand and begins repeatin quotes he'd heard his Dad and the Team say, it helps calm him slowly.

At the FBI headquarters, The BAU were sat at the round table going over a new case that had been called in, teens were being killed every three weeks in floria.

As Penelope began her sideshow Hotches phone goes off, the team turned to the man. "Sorry Garcia" he says, eyebrows furrowed when he saw the caller ID.

"Hotchner" he speaks once he'd pressed accept. The team watch as his expression changed into one of concern. "Yes I'm on my way" he then ends the call and stands up from the table.

"Aaron what's going on?" Asks Rossi as the others look on in concern at the man, he never leaves during their meeting unless is it was serious.

Hotch looks up from his phone and answers. "Y/Ns having a meltdown at school got to go to him" he speaks his words rushed but the team understands.

Derek smiles. "Go take care of the little man Hotch" Penelope and Spencer nodding with him the two fellow autistics agreeing meltdowns sucked when you where alone.

"Yeah don't worry we'll hold down the fort" adds Emily, Hotch looks at the smiling faces of his team. "Thank you" he tells them before leaving the room, he grabs his stuff and begins making his way to the garage he had to get to Y/N.

The teen had calmed himself down, though he was tired and wanted to go home, meltdowns were always draining for the teen, it took him days to feel normal again after feeling intense emotions.

When he had them his Dad was always there to help and be supportive. The teachers at his school tried to help but never understood him and usually made it worse.

As he sat against the large tree he took a few deep breathes feeling his heart slowly return to normal, as he did this he heard footsteps infront of him.

He tensed thinking it was a teacher who had seen him and was coming to tell him off for being outside and not in class.

"N/N, it's Dad" came a familiar voice, this made the boy open his eyes and look over at the voice. He gasps "Dad!" He stood up and jumped into his Dad's arms.

Hotch held his son in his arms giving the boy the right amount pressure he needed after his meltdown. He could feel the tears returning as he buried his face into the familiar scent of his dad.

Hotch eyes held only love for his son as he rubbed the boys back. "It's okay Son" he tells the boy. "I'm sorry I wasn't here earlier" he muttered into the H/C hair.

Y/N smiled. "It's okay Dad, your here now" he mutters. After a while Y/N was calm again the two got into the car and went home, Y/N spent the weekend decompressing from the stressful week.

The end!

Hope you liked this oneshot, sorry for the wait on writing it. Sorry for any grammar and Spelling mistakes.

Requests are open!

Word count : 1200

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