Aaron Hotchner and Spencer Reid X Teen Reader

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request: Hi could you do either Spencer or Hotch (maybe even both) realising that when nervous/overwhelmed (or just generally emotional) teen!reader bites their nails and that they've caused their fingers to bleed and they comfort them. If it's Spence than maybe he lets reader play with a fidget toy from his desk or bag???

third person pov...

The BAU team was working on a high-stakes case involving a kidnapped girl and two kidnappers, one they have in custody and each of them was feeling the pressure. Once they arrived, they were taken to the station where the kidnapper was in one of the interrogation rooms, for this case they had brough along Y/N L/N their trainee.

The teen is on summer break and is working at the FBI for experience and joins the team and goes on cases with them, this one was particularly sad. A girl had been kidnapped by two males.

They had one of kidnappers in custody, but he wasn't talking so the police called in the big guns which were the BAU. Once the team arrived Hotch sent them off, JJ of course to talk to the girls family.

Rossi went to visit the kidnapper (they have in custody) family and friends so they can figure out his partner, Emily stayed with Hotch to question the kidnapper, This left Spencer and Y/N to go the crime scene where Chloe (the victim) was kidnapped.

When Y/N and Spencer arrived at the scene they were shown in by an officer. "you must be the FBI, im Officer Daniels" he says eyeing Y/N. Reid shakes his hand and they walk over to the scene.

First thing Y/N notices is a rock with blood on, the dirt had been kicked up. "she obviously didn't go down without a fight" they say as Spencer nods, the teen soon finds more blood splatter and tire marks. "they had a car ready to grab her" says Spencer kneeling next to the marks.

"looks big like a BMV, probably knocked her out from behind and stuffed her into the trunk" says the H/C teen. Spencer nods proud of them, they will make a great FBI agent.

Once the two are done at the scene they drive back to the station where the rest of the team where. "we are back!" exclaims the teen running into the room the team were given.

"so far we've gotten nothing out of the bastard" exclaims Emily as she sits in the room glaring at the interrogation room. Y/N sat quietly, something about the kidnapper confused them.

As if they knew him, years ago Y/N lived in this very town and was nervous about coming back, without realising it their knee started bouncing up and down nervously.

JJ saw this and leaned over. "are you okay?" she asks the obviously nervous teen, Y/N stops bouncing their leg and smiles at her. "im fine JJ" know one knew they used to live here not even Hotch.

As the team talked Y/Ns nerves didn't go away, instead of bouncing their leg they started bighting their nails until they reached the skin, without realising they bite so much that their fingers started bleeding.

"shit" they swore Hotch looked up when he heard them swear, his eyes widened when he saw the blood. "Y/N what happened?" he questions kneeling in front of the teen.
The teen looked up at him with tears in her eyes, and Hotch smiled. He knew that they were nervous and overwhelmed, and he wanted to help, so the Dad pulled the teen up and brought then into the bathroom to wash off the blood.

Once he did that he put plasters over their fingers to stop them from biting and making it bleed more. Once he did that he brought the teen out and stood in front of them. "Y/N tell me what bothering you" he asks and the teen told him.

They explained. "years ago I used to live here, the guy in the interrogation room used to go to my high school he was in the higher year and I was in my first, he was kind and friendly, but once I was walking home alone someone tried to kidnap me, I managed to kick them and I was dropped, but when I looked behind me it was him, he tried to kidnap me but it didn't work so here tried again" they cried as Hotch held the teen in his arms.

He held the teen as they stopped crying. "im sorry that happened to you Y/N, it wont happen again" he promises, the man and teen then walk back to the rest of the team.

Hotch and Emily leave to go interrogate the man more this time with more information they can use to get him. As Y/N sat down they went back to bouncing their leg because they couldn't bite their nails.

Dr. Spencer Reid, the team's resident genius, stepped in and immediately took the teen's hand in his own, gently stroking the bandaged hand, He softly spoke to the teen, letting them know that it was ok, they were safe now, and everything was going to be alright.

Reid then went one step further and retrieved a fidget toy from his bag 'Here,' he said, handing it to Y/N 'Maybe this will help you stay calm.' He handed it to the teen, Y/N smiled and ran their fingers over the toy, and Spencer could tell that they were beginning to relax.

He wrapped his arm around her shoulders and held her close, and the rest of the team watched in silence. They had no idea what caused the teen to be so nervous and overwhelmed but know they will tell them themselves when they feel less nervous like they did with Hotch.

But they were grateful to Spencer for knowing exactly how to comfort the teen, Y/N stayed curled up in Spencer's arms for the rest of the case, even when they got back on the plane.

As they were in the air Y/N played with the fidget toy and eventually came out of their shell and told the team everything, the team comforted them and got hugs from everyone as they cried.

the end!

hope you liked this oneshot! two in one night im on a roll, as usual sorry for the spelling and grammar mistakes.

request are open!

word count: 1100

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