Matt Simmons X Child Reader

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Can I request a gender neutral reader with Matt Simmons as their father. Any plot!!!

Summary: Matts 5 year old Y/N comes to the BAU looking for theit Dad, but ends up meeting the team instead.

Third person pov...

It was early morning for the Simmons family, everyone was running a but late even Matt who was already late to work by a couple of minutes, said man comes running into the Kitchen where his children arw.

"Good morning everyone and good bye have a great day!" He exclaims kissing all his kids on thr head and kissing Kristy before running out the door the off to work.

5 year old Y/N then jumps up from their chair and rushes after their daddy their little legs getting tired, but they made it in time. "bye Daddy" they yell waving bye to their dad, As Matt drove away, 5 year old Y/N watched silently from the porch, waving goodbye until the kid could no longer see it in the distance.

Y/N was already missing their Dad, they then walked back inside and back up at the table, the 5 year old continues to eat their breakfast. Kristy sighs at her husband before turning back to the children.

Most of them were ready to go apart from the youngest Y/N, they were only 5 and didn't have school yet.

Currently said 5 year old was enjoying their breakfast laughing as their older brother makes funny faces at them, Kristy laughs at the siblings.

"okay that's enough you all need to get ready we have to leave soon" she says as the older children all run off leaving their Mum and baby sibling alone.

Y/N smiles at their Mummy making the woman coo and kiss their forehead, suddenly the toddler is alone in the kitchen, suddenly they spot a lunchbox, gasping the kid grabs it and runs off after their mum.

"Mummy! Mummy!" yells the little 5 year old, then Kristy is coming over to the kid, she then picks Y/N up looking them over for cuts. "whats wrong N/N" he asks the toddler in her arms.

Said toddler then wriggled around in her arms and pushes a lunchbox into her face. "daddy forgot his lunch!" they exclaim as if it was thr end of the world. Kristy gives a mock gap. "then we'll have to bring it to him" she says making Y/N smile and nod.

Hours later, Y/N and their Mum are in the car on their way to the BAU to give Matt his lunch. Y/N was feeling wide eyed and a little scared as the kid walked up to the entrance of the BAU, their Mum had dropped them off and rove to owkr.

The 5 year old held the lunchbox tightly in their arms before marching off to the building, they sighned in to see 'Matt Simmons' at the front desk, as they walked the 5 year old got many strange looks from agents.

Soon they arrived on the right floor, the 5 year old marches again towards the doors to the BAU units room, soon they reached the door, confused the kid stands outside it.

Should they knock or just open it. What if he wasn't in there? What would they do then? As if on cue, the door opened, and a tall man stepped out. His face was unfamiliar, but Y/N could feel something inside them telling them that he was some kind of friend.

"Hi there" the man said he looked young, giving the little kid a awkward smile. "My name is Dr. Spencer Reid. Can I help you with anything?"

Y/N took a deep breath before mustering up the courage to speak. they were a bit nervous, but they knew their daddy was somewhere in this building and sending Reid away without getting any answers was not an option.

'Is my daddy here" they ask, big E/C eyes looking up at him. The Dr was confused who was this kid, as he goes to talk he is saved by JJ walking by. "JJ help me" mutters Spencer making the woman laugh.

JJ then looked down at the little kid. "hello sweetheart, im you know your daddies name?" she asks the 5 year old child, Y/N nods confidently. "his name is Daddy, he works here can you help me find him?" they ask, their answer makes the adult sweat drop.

Of course they were asking a little kid what their dad name was. JJ smiles kindly and holds out her hand to the kid. "how about we find him together" she suggest earning a smile from the kid. "yes please, im Y/N!" exclaims the child.

Spencer and JJ then walk into the bullpen with little Y/N holding JJs hand skipping slightly. "well, its nice to meet you Y/N welcome to the BAU" exclaims JJ matching the kid energy.

"whos the lunchbox for Y/N?" questions JJ finally noticing the lunchbox clutched to the kid hands it was a lot bigger than a regular kids lunchbox. Y/N looks at the lunchbox in their arms and grins.

"its daddies, he forgot it" they explain making JJ awe at how cute it was having your kid bring you your forgotten lunch.

Throughout the hour Y/N hadn't found their dad yet but had met almost every member of the BAU team apart from one someone called Matt Simmons whos name sounded a lot like Y/Ns daddy.

As the kid waits, they sit on Spencer's desk little legs swinging as they ask the genius many questions about everything and about his job, beside them JJ and Penelope are smiling while Luke laughs at the state the man is in.

Emily, Tara and Rossi watch from the side, suddenly Matt wonders through the doors, he looked up when he heard his youngest kid voice, he was both surprised and delighted to see Y/N eagerly talking to the team and bombarding Spencer with questions.

"N/N!" he exclaims gaining an audience. Gasping the Kid almost falls off while scrambling to get down the desk once they were on the floor they sprinted into their dads arms.

"daddy you're here I brought your lunch!" yelled the 5 year old, the team watch as Matt picks the child effortlessly into his arms kissing their forehead taking the definitely squished lunch from them.

"thank you vey much N/N" he said earning a cheer from the H/C kid in his arms.

The team enjoyed getting a chance to meet Y/N, and as a result, the kid was invited back periodically to chat and learn more and bother spencer with more questions.

The end!

Hope you liked this oneshot three in a row im on a roll!

Requests are open!

Word count: 1152

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