Derek Morgan x Victim Child reader

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Just thought of this idea.

Summary: While out on a case, Derek meets a kid who was a victim to one of the many people who died ti the serial killer they were chasing.

I'm not good at explaining but you will understand while reading.

TW: Sexual Assult, child Sexual abuse, touching of a minor, mentions of R@pe, mentions if Sexual assult.

Third person pov...

It had been a quick journey to detroit that everyone on the team git briefed on the flight, Derek sat opposite Hotch in the jet and asked the question everyone wants to know.

"Two Elementary Teachers have been found dead from the same elementary school, so far we have found know links as to why they were being killed only that they worked at the same school, so we will have to start by interviewing the students and other teaching staff" Explained Hotch.

Everyone's eyes widened, having to interview kids was always the part they hated in a case. "When we land Derek and Prentiss You go to the school and start the interviews, JJ and Dave you go to the cororners office get the resale, Reid and I will go get set up at the Police office" Says Hotch giving everyone there jobs.

Soon they landed in Detroit Derek and Emily drive to the elementary school. "Okay so Teachers are being killed, and now we have to interview kids" Derek is not happy with kids involved non of the team are. Emily sighs and continues driving "I don't like it as much as you do but if we can get some information from them then we can find out who's targeting the teachers" explns Emily making the man next to her relax.

"I know Prentiss I know" he says, when they arrive they arw taken to the Pricipal. "Hello Agents I am Eric Belfast the principal" he says to Derek and Emily holding hisnhand out to them.

Emily smiles at him "I'm SSA Emily Prentiss and this us SSA Morgan, we aw here to ask you and your students some questions" she says to him, the Principal nods his head. "Of course I'll let the staff ansld their students know" he tells them before leading the two agents into a classroom which was in use.

With Hotch and Reid...

At the Police station Hotch and Reid are one the phone with Penelope who was giving them details about the dead victims, one was a male history teacher and the other was a male maths teacher both found dead in their apartments both shot with the same gun.

Reid begins to make a geo plan of the city and can tell the Unsub is local. "So there isn't much about both Victoms apart from them both working at the the same Elementary school sorry loves" Says Penelope as she gives them the information.

"Okay thanks Garcia" Hotch then ends the call and turns to Reid who was looking over the plan he had also started a time line of the deaths.

"Okay so we know both were found dead in their apartments, their neighbours heard gunshots at 1am, then when police arrives at 1.10 they were dead" Explains Reid.

Hotch nods his head "both shot in the head and died instantly" he says examining the timeline.

Back with Derek and Emily...

Back at the elementary school Derek and Emily sit in the empty classroom, so far they have interviewed 20 witnesses who both knew thw victims Teachers and students. "Next is a student called Y/N L/N, she had both teachers" explains Emily as the next person Steps in.

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