Derek Morgan X Daughter Reader

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Request: Hey!! could i request a Morgan x fem, daughter reader(12) where she gets held in a hostage situation but they find her. They fly home on the jet all togther but while they debrief the case she was asleep and has a nightmare; the nightmare leads to an accident but there is lots of fluff and comfortt!!

Third person pov...

Y/N could feel the ropes turning her skin red, she doesn't know how long its been but definitely a couple of hours, from the tiny window she could see the sun going down.

The back of her head hurt bad, she must've of been hit by something hard, her arms and legs aches from being tied tightly in the same position.

She couldn't believe she got into this position. She was visiting her Dads family in Chicago for a couple days when she got kidnapped by a serial killer.

She was taken by the Unsub while she was walking around seeing where her Dad lived as a child, she didn't know what happened one minute she was walking then it was black.

When she woke up the 12 year old was tired uncomfortably tight to a chair in a dark room with know lights, suddenly the doors opens and down comes a man.

He was white and looked around 30, he had a creepy grin on his face as he watched the little girl quirm on the chair. "What do you want with me" she asks the creep hoping to keep him busy.

The creep only smiled and held up a knife, it was a large kitchen knife. Y/Ns eyes widened in horror. "No stay away! You hurt me and my dad will kill you okay he's an FBI Agent you hurt me and he won't be happy" Exclaimed Y/N, distracting hom wasn't working.

The man hesitated before bringing the knife down and cutting her exposed skin, Y/N cried in pain as he cut her arms and thighs a creepy smile in his face as he saw the blood.

As Y/N cried he cut deeper making her scream out, suddenly the door was smashed open and the Unsub was tackled to the ground by a dark blurred figure.

As the 12 year old Continued to cry she was untied by JJ who's heart hurt at the sight if Derek's daughter being hurt, Y/N falls from the chair and into the blonde woman's arms.

She limbs were to weak to move, she held the familiar persons arms tightly, JJ only shhhed and comforted the girl as Derek handcuffed the guy and got in a few punches before Rossi managed the pull the pissed off man away.

JJ pulled Y/N up so she was standing. "Derek"she hissed to the still pissed off man, this made his snap out of his kill mode and into Dad mode.

"Y/N!" He ran over to hiss till crying daughter and picked her up being mindful of her cuts, he held her tightly in his arms as she cried harder knowing she was safe.

Derek ran his hands through her hair, once she was patched up the team took her to the jet, after everything that happened she needed to be with ber Dad.

Y/N slept on the couch on the jet while the others sat around the table and in the other seats in the jet, as they debriefed Derek kept sneaking glances at his still sleeping daughter.

Y/N twists in her sleep a pain filled expression on her face.

In her dream she was back in the basement, but instead of thr creepy man it was her Dad who was hurting her.

With a scream she woke up, she fell off the couch in her haste tk stand up, Derek was on his feet at once racing over to Y/N.

another thing she hadn't noticed was the wet patch on her clothes, Her nightmare had scared her enough to make the girl pee herself.

Derek didn't cared and focused on comforting his daughter from her nightmare, the man had gathered the almost teenager into his arms and on his lap.

He wrapped his arms arounder her providing pressure and rocked back and forth, the team watch as the Man manages to calm down the girl, her scream had made them all jump on edge.

Derek whispers words of comfort and gently she's Y/N, 15 minutes the girl is calmed and Derek let go but held her on his lap as she let's go of his tear sodden shirt.

She then realised the wet patch on her trousers, blushing bright red she started to cry again making her Dad worried. "Shh Shh hey Baby what going on huh?" He whispers to her as she dug her head into his shoulder.

She then mumbles something that Derek couldn't hear. "What was that Baby?" He whispers moving his ear closer so he wouls hear what she was whispering.

"I'm sorry Daddy" she whispers still crying. Derek was confused "why arw you sorry honey?" He asks earning a sniffle.

Y/N breathes before answering "because I peed myself I didn't mean to Daddy honest" Derek understands her embarrassment.

He hugs her tightly and kisses her forehead. "That's alright sweetheart it wasn't your fault, it was the nightmare, how about you let JJ help you get changed out of those wet clothes yeah?" He asks earning a nod as an answer.

Smiling hrs stands up and sets Y/N down next to him the little girl holds his t-shirt tightly as her Dad calls JJ over.

"Hey JJ can you help Y/N change please?" He whispers to her, JJ smiles at the two. "Of course I can, follow me Y/N" she says as takes Y/N tk get changed into dry clothes.

When the two returned Y/N curled up on her Dads lap and didn't move thr entire flight home not wanting him to leave, Derek didn't mind he was just happy to have his Daughter back safe and sound.

The end!

Hope you liked this oneshot so sorry for thr wait ! So sorry if this was rushed I have class tomorrow and I'm writing this at 1.30am.

Request are open!

Word count: 1054

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