Jennifer 'JJ' Jareau x teen daughter reader

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Another request from Tumblr I love reading everyone's requests!

request-jj's daughter gets grounded after babysitting her little brother, henry.

Third person pov...

5 year old Henry La Montague runs into the house giggling, he shrugs off his school bag and runs into the living room and jumps onto the sofa, before he can he is grabbed by someone that person being his Mum.

The blonde eyes widened "Mumma your home!" He yells his mum is never home early. JJ laughs at her sons shocked face. "Hi baby!" She says equal excitement.

15 year old Y/N Jareau rolls her eyes as she walks into the house hearing her Brother laughing. She continues texting on her phone, she gets to the bottom of the stairs before her name gets called.

"What Mum!" She yelled, she got no answer annoyed the 15 year old walks into the living room where her mum and little brother where.

She crosses her arms. "Yes Mum?" She asks the woman, JJ looks around at her daughter ans puts Henry back down. "Hey Honey, I need you to babysit Henry tonight, I've got to run off to work for a bit" she says Y/Ns goes silent before an angry look appears.

"But Mum Hollys holding a party tonight you said I can go last week, I can't watch Henry!" She exclaimed throwing her arms down, JJ looks at her daughter.

"Well I'm sorry, you have to stay home, it's only a party" she said, before Y/N storms off upstairs, a door slamming can be heard from downstairs.

"She's Grumpy!" Exclaims Henry making his Mum laugh before he squeals with laugher when thrown over her shoulders.

Time skip...

A couple hours have passed since JJ left for work, Will was working a late shift and wouldn't be home until midnight, which left Y/N and Henry home alone.

Henry was downstairs watching his TV shows happily singing along and playing with his toys, which left Y/N upstairs in her room.

The teenager was currently sitting at her desk doing her hair, she was going to thr party she doesn't care what her Mum says.

As she gets ready she remembers Henry. "Shit! I can't can't leave him home alone" she exclaims before having an idea, it's a stupid idea but it might work.

The teen Continues to get ready, once she was done she grabs her bag and phone and walks downstairs ans into the living room.

The 5 year old is still watching his cartoons. Y/N walks over to her brother and kneels down next to him, the 5 year old looks at his sister. "You look pretty N/N" she says smiling adorably at her.

She smiles at him. "Aww thank you Hare-bear" she says ruffling his hair. She checks the time 10 minutes. "Hey Hare-Bear, you know that party my friend is having" she said, this made Henry look up at her.

"Well, I was wondering if you wanted to come with me?" She asks him, Henry thinks for a minute before nodding his head. "You do, well then you have to not tell Mum or Dad okay, it's a secret between us" Says Y/N holding out her pinky.

"Yes sissy" Says Henry linking his pinky with her, Y/N grins. She then gets Henrys coat and grabs his bottle of water for him.

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