Aaron Hotchner X Autistic Daughter Reader

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I was hoping to request one with Aaron Hotchner's daughter, she's about 3-4 and she's autistic, Aaron took her to work because she's sick one day

I love this idea

Third person pov...

After two weeks of being away on a case Hotch is happy to be in his own bed in his home knowing his children are safe and only a few doors down from him instead of being in another state.

Currently it was 4:30am, Hotches alarm wouldn't go off for another hour and a half. The man was dead asleep under his covers, then his doors opens slightly and in pops a little H/C head.

It was Y/N Hotches daughter, the 3 year old sniffles slightly before walking into the dark room, she hugs her stuffed bunny tighter as she walks in.

She looks at the bed and walks over silently, once she got closer to the figure she shook her daddy's shoulder, Hotch didn't wake up, sniffling again the little girl shook his shoulder harder.

"Daddy" she whispers into his ear as she shook his shoulder, this makes the man wake up he opens his eye, still half asleep before realising who it was.

"N/N, what's going on?" He questions the little girl sitting up in his bed, he looks over at the time and sighs sleepily only 4.30, he then picks the toddler up and tucks her next to him under the covers.

The girl sniffles again whiping her nose on the back of her hand. Big watery E/C eyes look into his. "Don' feel well" sniffles the little girl before coughing loud and hard.

Hotch pats her back and uses the back of his hand to feel her forehead, after a couple seconds he pulls it back. "Your burning up Honey, how do you feel?" He asks picking the little girl up into his arms.

Y/N wraps her arms around his neck, the man turns around to wlak out the door but Y/N wriggles around. "Bun bun" she whispers in a horse voice, Hotch turns around laying forgotten was Bun Bun Y/Ns special bunny.

The man bend down and picks the toy up and gives Y/N it. "Oh no we cant forget Bun Bun can we" he says as the two go downstairs.

As they walk Y/N tells her dad how she feels  "achy Daddy" she says and points to her throat, Nose and coughs again makong Hotch pat her back.

Hotch leaves Y/N on the couch before going to the Bathroom and to the medicine cabinet, he then grabs some paracetamol and a glass of water for the girl.

"Here sweetie" he says and hands them to her, Y/N, shakes her head at the tablets. Even though he crushes them up she still hates taking them, Hotch then moves the little girl to his lap and holds the tablets for her to have.

Once the toddler had taken them and had managed to fall asleep again, Hotch was stuck he couldn't move as Y/N was laying on him and he finally got her to sleep, so the man stild and let her sleep.

Hour 30 minutes later...

Hotch was tired, but hadn't fallen back to sleep incase Y/N needed him. Checking his watch the man saw the time. "6.00am got to wake up Jack" he mutters before gently moving his daughter and walking upstairs he had to get ready for work.

Once he was ready qnd Jack was ready for school, Hotch had to think of what to do with Y/N, she couldn't be alone but he couldn't take a day off work.

Walking into the living room he had an idea, probably not the best idea but it should work, he then gently woke Y/N up.

"How are you feeling sweetheart?" He asks the toddler, Y/N rubs her eyes tiredly as she sits up on the sofa. "Lil' better Daddy" she said voice quiet, Hotch smiles and strokes her flushes face still radiating heat.

"I'm glad then, your coming to work with me today okay Baby" he explains to the toddler, she may be 3 but it pretty smart.

Once Y/N was dressed and wrapped in a warm blanket and had all her things Hotch grabbed his briefcase and got both kids into the car.

First they dropped Jack of at school, then they drove to the FBI headquarters, As Hotch walks in with his sick daughter he of coruse got many looks sent his way by other agents he was happy to get to the elevator.

"Now sweetie you can say hi to the team and I will set you up in my office if you need anything call me okay" Says Hotch to Y/N the toddler smiles and nods her head.

The father and daughter walk into the bullpen, the team were standing around waiting for Bossman to arrive. Derek spots the man first.

"Hey Hotch, we were wondering where you where man" he said walking over the team following, Hotch smiled at them in apologe.

"Sorry guys, was alte dropping Jack off" he said as the girls get excited at seeing little Y/N with Hotch. Y/N curls into her Dads arms more.

Derek takes a good look at his bosses face. "You look like shit mate, did you get any sleep?" He asks getting a nudge in the side by Penelope who nodded over at Y/N.

Derek gives a guilty look he forgot about her, the team all turn to look at their boss, Derek was right Hotch had large bags under his eyes, his tie was wonky and his shoulders slouched.

He looks down at Y/N and wraps the blanket around her more. "This one woke me up at 4.30, has a cold haven't slept since. Then was late dropping Jack off" he explains, JJ gives him a knowing look.

The others are shocked. "4.30!" Exclaimed Emily and Derek mouths open in shock. "Now then I have to get Y/N sorted in my office to back go work" Says Hotch back in Boss mode.

The team watch as the tired man walk up the ramp towards his office, once he was inside he put Y/N on the floor and set the blanket up on the sofa infront of his office and all her toys on the floor so she wouldn't get bored.

"Here you go sweetie" he says and sets the ill toddler on the mountain of blankets and gives her a cup of water, he will make sure she drinks lots of fluids throughout the day.

"Thanks' Daddy" Says the toddler making Hotch smile.

The end!

Hope you liked this oneshot ! Sorry for grammar and Spelling mistakes.

Request are open!

Word count: 1142

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