David Rossi X Trans Nephew Reader

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I love your writing it great and so consistent. could you do one with a 16 year old comes out as trans (Female to male) to their parents and is rejected but Uncle David is there for them and accepts them?

I always love doing transgender readers.

Tw slurs

Third person pov...

"I will not have it She is our daughter!"

"You try telling Her that F/N (Father's name)"

Y/N sobs on his floor hugging his pillow tightly, shoulder shaking he grabs his phone and looks at the time. 30 minutes his parents had been screaming at each other about him.

30 minutes ago, he came out as Trans to his parents, he sat them down in the living room, he had been planning to tell them all year that he was a boy.

After he had told them it was silent, he had hope they would except him, 5 minutes later he was slapped by his father and was being shouted at by both of them.

Their father's scowl deepened, and he stood up, towering over Y/N 'We didn't raise you to be a freak,' he spat, his words like daggers to the boys heart.

Holding his cheek, he ran upstairs and locked his door hoping his father would not follow. "Why why did I have to be different why couldn't I be a girl" cries the distraught teenager.

Hearing more smashing and shouting he has enough, the boy stands on wobbly feet, he looks around at his room and makes a decision.

he starts to grab a bag and begin filling it with clothes, his toothbrush and couple other things he needs.

"That little bitch, she going to try and leave!" yells Y/Ns Father. He has never heard his dad so angry before.

"I have to get out of here" he says to himself before standing on top of his chair and running his hand the top of his wardrobe.

After a few seconds he finds his stash of cash he kept secret from his parents just in case telling them went south, he was right shoving the money into his pocket's Y/N grabs his bags a coat and heads for the window.

Lucky for him his window is large enough to get out of, looking down from the window he felt dizzy at the hight.

"Shit" thinks the H/C boy, he turns back to his room spotting thr pile of clean blankets he begins throwing them out of the window to make a softer landing when he leaves.

Suddenly banging could be heard outside his door. "You little bitch! You come out here right now!" Yells Y/N dad, almost breaking down the door as he slams on it.

Gulping Y/N sits on his window sill and looks down, suddenly their door was forced open. "You tr@nny! Get back here" yells Y/N dad.

Y/N decides and jumps of their window and lands not as hard onto the grass, he grabs his things and begins running away from the house and his parents.

8 hours and 5 minutes later...

Bustling of people wakes Y/N up, when he had left his home he took the bus all the way down to Virginia when his Zio Dave(1) was living.

Once he was off the bus Y/N made his way to the fBI academy where his Uncle works. Getting inside the building was easy getting past reception and up to the floor was difficult especially with the bruise of his face from his dad.

After managing to hide his face and get to the bullpen Y/N relaxed finally, remembered where his Uncle worked, now he had to find the man.

Nervously the boy straightens out his clothes making sure his face was covered he walked into the busy bullpen. He saw many agents walk past him

He then headed for a blind woman, she was standing infront of him, as he walked over he knocked into someone this made Y/N fall backwards his hood falling off.

At the sound the woman turned around, her face turned worried as shebsaw the noticeably large bruise on the young
H/C boys face.

"Honey are you okay?" She asks the boy holding a hand down to him, he flinched slightly at it which confirmed her thoughts.

Y/N hated that he flinched at the hand held out to him, his father's slap this fresh in his mind. As he stood up he saw a man walk into the bullpen.

Eyes full of hope he makes his way towards his zio. "Zio Dave! " Yells the 16 year old, Rossi turns around at the familiar voice of his nephew.

He turned around towards to the voice a smile on his face which turned into one of concern when he saw the large bruise on the boys face.

Grabbing the young boy into a hug Rossi pressed his face into his hair kissing his head and caddling him gently "piccolino, cosa è successo?(2)" Dave asked him.

Pulling away slightly Y/N looks at the man. "Mum and Dad, Uncle they they hate me" cries the boy, Rossi acts and shushs the boy nad hugs his tight letting the boy cry in his arms.

Once he fell asleep Rossi layer him on tjr couch in his officer, the man leaves the room once he knew he was asleep and walked to the round table.

Inside he found the rest of the team all gathered together. Hotch approached the man first. "Who was that Kid Dave?" He asks the senior agent.

Dave sighs softly running a hand down his face as he took a seat, the stress leaving his body. "That's Y/N my nephew and I think he just got hit by his Dad for coming out to him" he semi explained to them drinking the cup of coffee Emily bought for him.

"What do you mean, that he's trans?" Asks Spencer, Rossi nods his head drinking the rest of the drink he stands from the table. "Where are you going?" Asks Morgan.

Rossi stands in the doorway and turns to them a pissed of look on his face. "I've got a phone call to make and probably going to punch my idiota brother in law in the face" he tells them before leaving typing on his phone.

Months later, Y/Ns father was put in prison for child abuse, his mother tried to stop him from testifying. Instead she disowned him and left the state.

Y/N officially became his Uncle's sons and had never been happier or safer as he had before.

The end!

Hope you liked this oneshkt, sorry for any grammar and Spelling mistakes.

Request are open !

Word count: 1133

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