Emily Prentiss X Goddaughter child reader

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Request: How about Emily and her Goddaughter? Younger version of JJ's daughter, lots of fluff. Thank you!

Summary: Emily Prentiss Goddaughter is annoyed at her Mum (JJ) so the 10 year old makes her way to the FBI to see her Godmother.

Third person pov...

10 year old Y/N Emily Jareau was annoyed at her Mum, ever since Henry her baby brother had been born, Y/N felt sad because her Mum didn't spend any time with her jsut with Henry.

Currently the 10 year old was sitting at the top of the stairs looking through the gaps in the banister at her Mum and baby brother sitting on the sofa.

"Stupid Henry" mumbles the 10 year old she then sniffed and whipes her nose on her sleeve. "She was my mummy first" she whispers watching her Mum play with the baby.

"Want Emmy" sniffs the girl trying not to cry, she then left her spot and walks back upstairs and into her room, whiping her nose again she grabbed her favourite bag and began walking downstairs, once she was downstairs she put on her light up shoes thqy her Godmother got her for her birthday.

She then opened the door and looked back "I'm going to see Emmy" she called, no answer, the little girl then sighed and left of course her mum was busy with Henry.

Once she was outside she decided to start walking, a habit she had picked up as a way to clear her head. As she strolled through the streets of Quantico Virginia, Y/N eventually found herself in the courtyard of the FBI Building.

As she admired the tall building, one thought stuck out to her: her godmother, Emily Prentiss, worked here. The 10 year old decided she needed to get away from her Mum cooing over her Brother at home and thought visiting Emily would help her feel less sad.

Without a second thought, Y/N made her way inside and up to the BAUs floor, having been there many times with her Mum Y/N remembered the exact floor the team worked on.

When she arrived on the right floor she walked out of thr elevator and into the bull pen, the little girl looked around trying to find her Godmothers desk, but she couldn't see her.

Sniffling again Y/N told herself not to cry, she kept looking but still couldn't find her, so the 10 year old walks up the ramp to Hotches office, she knew he would be there.

the girl knocks and hears the man answer, slowly she opens the door and walks in Hotch looks up he is surpried to see JJs daughter standing by his door. "Y/N what are you doing here?" he askes the girl, Y/N looks down at her light up shoes and doesn't bother hiding her sniffles.

When she looks back up tears fall from her E/C eyes, she holds her bag in her hands "I want Emmy!!" she sobs, suddenly having a crying child in his office makes Hotch go into Dad mode.

The man leaps up from his desk and over to the girl, he then kneels Infront of her and pulls her into his arms, the 10-year-old instantly wraps her arms around his neck, Hotch then effortlessly picks the girl up and walks out of his office.

The black-haired man then searched the bullpen for Prentiss, it was lunch so most of the team were out on their break or eating at the round table, Hotch checks that room first, he pokes his head in.

He almost slouches in relief when he spots Emily sitting at the table eating with Spencer and Rossi, Bossman then walks into the room with the still crying girl in his arms.

The trio notices him instantly. "Prentiss, I believe this is for you" he says as Emily stands up to take Y/N out of her Boss' arms, "Y/N Emilys here" he says to the girl, once Y/N heard that she instantly lets go on Hotch and jumps into her Godmothers arms.

Emily holds her tightly a worried look on her face as the girl continues to cry, Hotch then leaves and the woman sits back down on her chair her food long forgotten. 

For the next couple of minutes Emily tries to calm Y/N down, eventually the young girl stops crying and Emily is able to talk to her, with the 10 year old sitting on her lap and stopped crying Emily asks her questions.

"Y/N honey, what happened? I thought you were at home?" she questions, Y/N sniffles and then handed a tissue from Spencer, Y/N thanks him and whipes her nose.

She fiddles with the tissue before answering her Godmother. "Henrys taking mama from me, so I came to see you Emmy" came the sad voice of the 10 year old on hr lap, Emily looked at Spencer and Rossi who both had to stop their lips from turning up.

Of course every 10 year olds reason to run away was because their sibling was getting more love then them, Emily tries not to sigh, she glares at the two adults in front of her before looking at Y/N.

"Y/N honey, your mommy loves both you and Henry equally" she tries to reason with the girl but Y/N shakes her head. "NO Mama loved Henry more, she was my mama first!" exclaims Y/N, Emily forgot how quickly kids emotions can change.

The no longer crying little girl huffs and crosses her little arms grumpily, Emily once again glares at the two in front of her not wanting to laugh and make Y/N even more upset. So once again she tries to reason with the grumpy 10 year old.

"Y/N your mommy loves both you and your brother, but right now Henry is just a baby sp he needs a little bit more of mommys attention than you, but when he is older you will have her back okay" says Emily, this time Y/N thinks for a minute before nodding.

"I understand Emmy" she says, Emily smiles and kisses her forehead. "that's my girl" she smiles, Y/N then spends the rest of the day with her Godmother, when Y/N was out of hearing the woman called her best friend up who was worried sick.

Emily told JJ what happened and the two woman had a good laugh, once the day was done Emily took Y/N back home where she was pulled into a tight hug by her Mum. "im sorry baby, I will make sure you include you okay" promises JJ.

The blonde haired woman gets a hug and a smile from her daughter.

The end!

Hope you liked this oneshot, sorry for any gramma or spelling mistakes

Request are open!

Word count: 1160

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