Jason Gideon X Victim child reader

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Request from Tumblr

Request: Hi, if you're taking requests at the moment maybe a child reader x Spencer or Gideon?? Plot could be literally anything I could just do with some comfort

Of course I just realised I haven't done one for Gideon yet so here it is.

Summary: Y/N is one of the victims of the unsub the FBI are looking for, but luckily Y/N manages to escape and runs to the police and helps the FBI.

Y/N is 10 here.

Third person pov...

Y/N doesn't know how long she has been missing for but she knows it's been long time, Her life was amazing until she was kidnapped by a crazy woman in her own home.

The 10 year old remembers it very well.


It was 4.pm on the dot when Y/N got home from school, for the last couple days the town had been on a curfew as there is a serial killer running around kidnapping and killing children.

The FBI was called in but they still haven't caught the Unsub, the parents were worried for their children especially Y/Ns as she fit the Killers type to kidnap and kill.

Y/N shrugs off her school bag and leaves it bye the door, both her parents shoes were there so they were also home. "Mummy Daddy I'm home!" She exclaimed taking off her shoes and running through the hall.

She pokes her head into the living room where her Daddy was usually sitting reading the news paper when he comes home from work, but to her surprise and confusion he wasn't there. "Daddy?" She yelled getting no response from the empty room.

A frown on her face the little girl makes her way to the kitchen where her Mummy was usually finishing off work, "Mummy?" She yelled hoping her Mum was home, when she walked in it was empty apart from a laptop on the table and a cup of tea. Y/N touches the cup and hisses in pain. "It's still warm" she mumbled before looking around the table.

Something then caught her eye, on the floor there was a puddle of blood. Y/N gasps before sprinting upstairs to her parents bedroom hoping nothing had happened.

"First the empty rooms, then the pool of blood and stuff being left, this points to the Unsubs MO the FBI were talking about on the news" mutters Y/N, she was going over the MO that the Serial killer was using, the only thing she hadn't seen were her parents 'sleeping together in a bed'

Silently the little girl tiptoes in the hall and over to her parents room, thr door was open silently, the H/C child puts her hand on the door nob and breathes out and closes her eyes before pushing the door open.

She stepped in and slowly opened her eyes, E/C eyes widened in horror, and her mouth opens in a silent scream. Y/Ns hand slipped from the door as she saw the scene in front off her.

Her Mum and Dad lay side by side on the bed, from a distance they looked peaceful as if they were sleeping, but from the blood covering them, they weren't 'sleeping' Y/N goes to scream by her mouth is covered from behind she struggles before the person holds her mouth and neck tightly.

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