Aaron Hotchner X Daughter reader

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Just watched Mayhem and couldn't get this idea out of my head.

Summary: Aaron still suffers from acute sensitivity to sound, his 10 year old daughter finds him in the kitchen curled up while the fire alarm rings.

Set during season 4 after Mayhem

Third person pov...

Aaron Hotchner had a day off work as the Man was still recovering from the explosion in New York from their last case, he had planned to spend the day with his daughter.

When Haley decided to divorced him she got full custody of Jack and Hotch got full custody of their Daughter Y/N, of course the girl gets to see her mum and brother most of thr week when her Dad is working.

As the Man wonders downstairs he starts to make pancakes usually pancakes are for special occasions, but he guesses that this day calls for pancakes.

As he makes the batter and grabs a pan he turns the stove on and pours the pancake batter in, then he waits for it to cook.

As he waits his mind wonders back to the explosion and how it also costed him his hearing, suddenly the fire alarm is going off and he could smell something burning.

The man cries out and grabs hisbear, he could hear a high pitched squeal, he can only sit on the floor wishing for the pain to go away he can't even move to turn the stove off.

"Daddy!" Yell his daughter as she comes sprinting down the stairs hearing the fire alarm going off, for the man everything is muffled apart from the ringing in his ears.

The 10 year old eyes widening as she sees her Dad curled up on the floor the usual calm and strong man who let nothing get him down reduced to the man on the floor covering his head in pain almost crying.

"Daddy! Are you okay?" She exclaims yelling over the fire alarm that was still going off, she runs to the stove ans turns off the gas, she then takes the pan off ans putting it on the counter.

Then runs to open a window to let the smoke out and hoping the alarm will turn off soon.

After she does that she runs over and crouches infront of her Dad the man's hands hadn't moved from his head, the girl tries to get his attention but its like he couldn't hear her.

His face was screwed up in pain, the girl didn't know what to do shebhad never seen her Daddy like this before, then she sees his phone on the table and grabs it, she whipes her tears and stands up.

She then dials her Uncle Dave the rest of the team would be at the BAU hopefully not on a case. When the call finally connects she almost sobs in relief at her Uncle's voice.

She eyes her Dad in the corner of her vision. "Hey Hotch, wha- Uncle Dave! It's Daddy!" Yells the H/C girl interrupting thr man. "Y/N? What's happend?" Asks the worried Uncle.

"It's Daddy, he's on the floor covering his head, the fire alarm is going off Uncle Dave please hurry" she cries to the man tears now falling from her E/C eyes.

She tries to steady her breathing as she waits for his answer. "Of course Sweetie, I will be there soon" Y/N ends the call and holds the phone in her hand.

She then walks back over to her Dad,he hadn't moved from his position, she kneels on the tiled floor and looks at him, the man looks tired and had bags under his eyes.

She cries more "Oh daddy" she whispers, she then runs to the living room and grabs a soft pillow and blanket, she then runs back to the kitchen almost falling over she kneels again infront of her Dad.

The 10 year old then tries to wrap the blanket around her Dad so he wouldn't be cold and leans his body so he was laying on the pillow, Y/N then kisses his cheek. "It's okay Daddy I'm here" she whispers hoping to comfort him.

10 minutes later the door opens Y/N looks up and runs to the hall she tries to smile when she sees the team standing there.

She runs over to her Uncle ans hugs him tight. "Uncle Dave your here, Daddy is in the kitchen, I couldn't move him Uncle" she cries as the Man picks her up and hugs her tightly.

"Hey guys over here" Calls Morgan from the kitchen, the team wonders in and sees their fearless leader on the floor covered in a blanket and pillow on the floor.

Rossi looks at the child in his arms. "Was that your doing N/N" he asks making the girl nod and sniffle. " 'Was trying to help him" she mumbles watching as Morgan and Emily help her Dad stand up.

JJ then wonders over to Y/N, she smiles kindly at the girl. "Hey sweetie can you tell us what happened?" She asks, Y/N nods her head.

Her Daddy is taken into the living room Reid picks up the pillow and blanket and follows them in. The 10 year old hugs her uncle's neck as she answers JJ.

"I was sleeping when I heard the fire alarm going off, but Daddy didn't do anything to stop it so I came down and saw him curled up on the floor" she mumbles fresh tears coating her vision.

JJ smiles and thanks her before walking off to tell the others, Rossi rubs a hand up and down her back Comforting the child. "Heys it's okay, you did a great job looking after your dad" he says.

The man looks around the kitchen and saw the pancake batter and the pan with burnt pancake in. He then sits Y/N down on a chair and walks to the stove the fire alarm had long turned off.

The man then begins making Y/N the breakfast she was susposed to have, once the girl had eaten Hotch had woken up.

As Y/N finishes of her pancake JJ walks in a smiles at Y/N, the girl finishes of the pancake in the her mouth before asking about her Dad. "Is Daddy okay?" She asks them woman.

JJ smiles. "Yes he's awake now want to go see him?" Asks JJ already knowing the answer, the girl jumps from her chair and runs to the living room.

"Daddy!" She cries running and jumping onto thr sofa where he was laying on, Hotch then wraps his arms around his daughter. "I'm sorry I worried you so much sweetie" he whispers into her hair as she cried.

The man comforts his daughter as his team surrounds them. "Thank you" he tells them making them smile at the Dad and Daughter.

The end!

Hope you liked thus oneshot, sorry for the grammar and Spelling mistakes!

Request are open!

Word count: 1171

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