Penelope Garcia X Teen Son Reader

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Haven't done nearly enough for Penelope so here we go, hope you like this

This will be a long one for Penelope!

Rwquest: Hello! I love your chapters and wanted to place a request!
A teen trans male with autism, who is the son of Penelope Garcia. The reader is male passing, and was kidnapped by an unsub who is selling teen boys off to high paying bidders on a live feed chatroom.

Third person pov...

It was a normal day for Y/N Garcia, the teen was on his way home from school, as he walked he heard a sound coming from one of the alleyways.


The H/C teen looks around for the kitten, he looks around and underneath all the rubbish, quietly calling for the kitten to show itself, Y/N had always been a sucker for anything cute, which he got from his Mum the ever bubbly Penelope Garcia.

"Psst psst, come here kitty" he calls into the darkness kneeling on the ground, he had left his back pack by the entrance of the alleyway, after calling for the kitten again Y/N sighs.

Unbeknownst to him, he was being watched by a sinister figure lurking in the shadows. This man, known only as the Unsub, had been tracking Y/N for weeks, waiting for the perfect opportunity to strike.

The teen was a bit put out that he couldn't find the kitten and began walking back to grab his bag, as he swings it onto his shoudler he hears a sound.

This of course made the teen turn, raising an eyebrow he looked around but didn't see anything, then a hand was put on his shoudler.

The Boy instinctively flinched and pushed the hand off, being Autistic the H/C teenager hates being touched unexpectedly. He can hug his mum fine because she announces that she is going to hug him so it doesn't scare the teen.

Twisting away from the hand, he looked up and saw a man, he was tall and skinny, he had a 'creepy' grin on his face as if he enjoyed the scare he gave the boy infront.

Y/N took a small step away from the man, the mans eyes looked Y/N up and down before smirking. "You'll do perfectly" he speaks, before Y/N had a chance to run he was knocked out and being thrown into a white van.

With a pained groan Y/N opened his eyes, as he did he didn't see the alleyway, only a horribly small room.

"What the hell?" Mutters the teen, he was surrounded by ugly white walls with a metal door that was most likely locked, the only light source was a small kids size lamp, which was sat on top of a small wooden box.

Y/N took in the room and the dirty mattress he was currently lying on, he also had numerous toys around him. It was as if someone planned for him to be there.

E/C eyes desperately searched for a way out, but he couldn't find one, in the far corner was a poor excuse for a toilet.

The teen could feel his heart beat rapidly in his chest, breathing heavy he could feel a panic attack coming on, he got those when he was stressed(which was a lot)

He slammed his back up against a wall, holding a hand to his chest, trying go calm himself down, he began to stim. Flapping his hands quickly in front he slowly began go breath normally again.

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