Spencer Reid x daughter reader

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Requests: She is about 10-11ish, very outgoing, has a lot of friends and a lot different from her dad but she still enjoys reading and playing chess with her dad a lot. She has a HUGE sweet tooth because of which Spence has to regulate her sugar intake and has a rule in place about the amount of candy she can have before needing to ask permission from him. At first he doesn't notice the candy stash emptying faster than usual or how she asks for any spare change because she 'likes coins'. He later finds out that she has been sneaking candy from the pantry, getting candy from a friend by making them sympathise for her and buying more with all the collected spare change and her pocket money.

Third person pov...

Spencer Reid was a devoted father, yet he had no clue what his daughter was up to. Whenever Spencer opened the pantry door, he noticed that all the candy and sweets were disappearing much faster than they should.

At first, he didn't think too much of it, but then he started to wonder if his daughter had something to do with it.

He had stocked the pantry with enough treats for the month, so he had no idea how she could have her hands on her whole stash.

The dad knew that his daughter loved sugar alot more than he did but still to go through a months worth of sweets in only a couple of weeks is strange.

Currently the man's daughter was at school which gave him time to check, he was right at the start of the month his daughter Y/N had enough sweets to last her most of the month. "Strange" he thinks to himself before he realises the time.

"Time to pick up Y/N" he exclaims before racing outside an remembering to lock to door behind him. Once he had picked up Y/N he saw her pockets looked full. "How was school N/N?" He asked.

Y/N smiled at the excited 11 year old begins to tell her Dad all about her day at school, Spencer nods along with her as she speaks.

Once she stops he questions about her pockets. "What's in the pocket Y/N" he asks making the girl freeze, she sighs and begins emptying her pockets.

She said that her friends had given her the candy, but when Spencer saw the amount she had in her hand, he realized that it was too much for the friends to have given her.

"How on earth did you get to many from you friends?" He exclaims at the amount that comes out of her pockets. The 11 year old blushes in embarrassment "well they aren't jsut from friends, I've beeb using my pocket money as well" she says playing with a sweet.

Spencer then thinks back to all the times she asked for pocket money. "You mean it was all spent on sweets" he exclaimed not angry jsut surprised his daughter was so sneaky and he a profiler had know idea.

He just thought that she liked looking at the different coins so he thought nothing off it. 'Of course she like you isn't she' he thinks to himself.

Once they were home, Spencer sat his daughter down on the sofa while he stood infront of her and asked her to come clean about what was going on.

With some prodding, she finally confessed that she hadn't been able to resist the temptation and had been taking sweets from the pantry and getting more from her friends in order to gain more candy.

Spencer was heartbroken that his daughter had resorted to such methods, but also proud of her for being honest, even though he put a rule in place for a reason.

He gathered her up in his arms and hugged her tight. After she was done crying, he sat her down and told her that he loved her and that no matter what, he was still her dad. He told her that it was okay if she made mistakes but she should always own up to them.

With that, Spencer promised his daughter that he wouldn't tell anyone about the sweets and they would figure out a way for her to still enjoy them.

He even said she could go back to her friends and get some candy as long as she asked permission first. After some heartfelt talks, Spencer and his daughter moved on from the situation, stronger than ever before.

Of course the man still had to manage the girls sugar intake and counted how many sweets were left in the pantry, after a while the number of sweets taken was getting smaller.

He was also proud of her when she started spending her pocket money on things other than sweets, he was glad the whole thing was over and his daughter was eating healthy.

Spencer was very proud of his daughter it had been a couple of weeks ans the sweets were back go normal, so they decided to celebrate with a game of chess the prize fir the winner was a sweet from the Panry, they played for hours as Y/N is an expert at chess like her dad was.

As they played they eventually forgot about the prize ans jsut enjoyed each others company they didn't need sweets for that.

Though after a while Y/N finally got back at her Dad by asking about his sugar intake with the amount of sugar he puts in his coffee. Spencer sighs buy eventually like his daughter gave up on put so much sugar in.

A lesson well learnt for both of them sweets arw nice but too much of them isn't. "Thanks for helping me dad" Says Y/N as they finish their last game of chess.

Spencer gives his daughter a smile. "Of course Y/N your my little girl, even if you are like your Uncle Derek sometimes" he says earing a laugh from his daughter.

The end!

Hope you liked this oneshot third one of the night! As usual sorry for grammar and Spelling mistakes!

Request are open!

Word count: 1040

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