Jennifer 'JJ' Jareau X Teen Daughter Reader

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This is a request from Tumblr.

Summary: could you make the reader 12 and jj is her mother. She gets into a fight at school and the school calls jj and she has to get to the bottom of the situation- pre teen angst.

After JJ gets Kidnapped episode.

Third person pov...

It has been a year since JJ was kidnapped and tortured by Askari, the blonde still has nightmares from that horrible day, the anniversary is coming up and Y/N Jareau, JJs daughter (before Will) has been acting all angry and been distant to her family especially her mum since she was kidnapped.

A year is a long time for a 12 year old to be angry at her Mum, JJ and Y/N used to be very close, but now all they do is fight, Y/N takes her anger out on her Mum and at the kids at school she has gotten into many fights at school, JJ and Will have had many trips to pick up their daughter for fighting.

The 12 year old has so much anger, It was early morning in the La montague and Jareau house, Will and JJ were running around trying to get their two kids ready for school, Will dealing with Henry which left JJ to get Y/N ready, the blonde woman was currently shouting at Y/N to get up.

"Y/N get up now, your going to be late" she yelled from the kitchen knowing her daughter can hear her, as usual she gets no response from the tween, she sighs sadly before putting down her cup of coffee and making her way upstairs hearing Will and Henry getting ready calmly.

'its one of those days' thinks to blonde, she knows the anniversary of her kidnapping is today and how it effected everyone espcially Y/N, currently the 12 year old was curled up under her covers, she doesnt want to face the day.

Since her Mum got kidnapped she has been full of anger and fear becuase A)her Mum acts like nothing happend and B) because she worried it might happen again. The 12 year old hears her Mum walking up the stairs, and sighs groaning she slides out of bed and onto her messy floor.

JJ stands in the doorway of her Daughters room, the 12 year old was sprawled out on thw floor her covers wrapped around her. "Y/N wake up!" She yells affectively making her daughter sit up and glare at the woman.

"Fine!" She exclaims glaring at her Mum the Woman sighs softly and walks away so her daughter can get dressed. Soon all 4 were ready to go, Will got picked up by his Partner.

While JJ was on drop off duty, She got the two in the car, Henry in the back and Y/N in the passenger seat next to her, as they drove Y/N had her earphones in and was turned away from her Mum.

JJ had a sad smile on her face as she watched her Daughters doby language, before Henry pulled her into a conversation about cars.

Time skip...

Both kids were dropped off and JJ was on her way to work, when she arrived she parked the car and got out, once she was on the right floor she walked out and into the bull pen, she then went to her desk and sat down.

The others all crowded around her asking if she wa sokay to be back and how she was doing. "I'm fine guys really" she insisted, and they all went back to work.

They were on case duty so know jets just writing up reports, JJ sighs and looked at the reports before looking at a picture on her desk, it was one of her Will, Henry and Y/N. All had big smiles on their faces, it was taken a couple weeks before JJ was kidnapped.

She smiles sadly before wiping away the tears under her eyes and getting to work. It was after lunch when she got a call on her personal phone.

She didn't look at the Caller ID before answering. "Jereau here" she answered, as she did a familiar voice came through it was Y/Ns vice principal.

JJ sighs quietly. "Yes this is Y/Ns Mum, Hi Mr Potter, Y/N got into another fight, okay I'll come pick her up, yes see you soon" ending the call she groans and turns off her computer.

"What's wrong JJ?" Asks Spencer next to her, his question makes the others look over. The blonde woman sighs and stands up. "Y/N got into another fight at school, so I'm picking her up" she explains before going to Hotches office to tell him.

When she was done she waves bye to the others and walks to the elevator, she angerly taps her foot as she waits. Once she was in her car she drove to Y/Ns middle school.

When she arrived at the office she was shown in by the vice principal to were Y/N was sitting, JJs eyes widened she she saw the state her daughter was in, the 12 year old had cuts all over her face, a black eye, her wrist was wrapped and she was supporting a tapped nose (mostly likely fractured).

"Y/N Jareau, you Mother is here" said the nurse making the 12 year old angrily stand up and grab her bag before stalking over to her Mum with a slight limp, this was one of the worst fights she had been in.

JJ has her arms crossed and frown on her beautiful face as her Daughter walks over, JJ grabs her bag and thw two leave the building and get into the car, JJ doesn't say anything to Y/N making the 12 worry she was in so much trouble.

Throughout the silent ride JJ was thinking of what she was going to say to her Daughter before they arrived back at her work. "You're going to have to stay with me until Will finishes work" she says before getting out of the car and shutting the door.

Y/N is still in shock at how angry her Mum sounded, thr 12 year old slowly got out of the car bring mindfully of her arm and ankle which was sprained, as she got out JJ said nothing ans the two began walking to the elevator where they were alone.

JJ crossed her arms and tapped her foot, while Y/N stood next to her Mum, it was weird usually it was her giving the silent treatment.

 "Mum im sorry-" "-Your sorry! Thats all you have to say Y/N, a year of this happening and all you have to say is sorry, im sorry Y/N but this behaviour cant go on anymore" said JJ finally looking at her daughter.

The woman was trying to keep her voice calm and not shout at her hurt daughter but she has had enough of her behavour and getting into fights this wasnt Y/N. The elevator dings and they walk out Y/N following behind her Mum.

As they walk Y/N stops at the gate between the bullpen and rest of the room. "Im sorry Mum! Its been a year since you were kidnapped and im the only one acting normal about it! you were kidnapped and tortured and nearly raped by Askari, you Hnery and Will have been acting like nothing happend but it did happen! im sorry i cant turned off my emotions like you can!" Yells the 12 year old pissed off.

JJ turns around facing her daughter, Y/N could see tears rolling down her face. the blonde woman walks over to her daughter " we arent having this conversation here" she said before pulling Y/N into her old office, the rest of the team sit patiently for the two to calm down from their arguments.

half an hour later the Mother and Daughter walk out of the room tears marks on their faces but smiles instead of frowns, looks like they had finally made up after a year of arguing, the two hug long and tight before Y/N sits next to JJ at her desk waiting for Will to be done with work.

the end!

hope you liked this oneshot so sorry for the late updates  havent had any ideas or motivation to write.

as always sorry for the grammar and spelling mistaktes.

requests are open!

word count: 1430

Criminal Minds x child Reader OneshotsOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora