Aaron Hotchner X Trans Son reader

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Hey its been a while but here is a new oneshot!

Request: Hotch's daughter is acting weird lately where she where's his clothes and stuff and he just thinks that she misses him when he's on a case but really is because his daughter is transgender and wants to be a boy but didn't have enough confidence to come out to her dad but told all her friends and they call her a male name and she respond to it and Hotch gets all confused

I love it I need more trans readers I aill gladly write them.

Y/D/N - Ypur dead name as Hotch don't know the name you want to go by yet.

Third person pov...

Hotch is getting ready for work, as he stands in his trousers in his room he is currently searching for a shirt, it was one of his whites and couldn't find it.

Confused the man looks in the laundry bin but still couldn't find it, thinking of the last possible reason he knocks on his daughters door. "Hey Y/D/N, have you seen my white shirt?" He asks walking in to his daughters room.

The teen is on her bed reading a book, she freezes a second before Hotch sees her eyes wonder over to her wardrobe, confused the man looks over and sees a large white shirt sticking out, it was his shirt!

The man then takes thr shirt back, he folds it and looks at his daughter whos eyes don't leave her book, his face softens. "If you miss me that much just ask and I will give you something only honey" he tells her, Y/D/N just smiles trying to hide her face embarrassed she was caught.

'That's the fifth time she's taken my clothes, strange' thinks the man before going downstairs to make breakfast for his kids.

Once Hotch leaves Y/N let's put a sigh of relief his Dad didn't seen him trying kn the shirt to see how it looks. Y/N was Trans, he's known he was a boy since he was 12, now being 15 he wants to tell his dad but doesn't know how.

Sighing the boy stands up and begins getting ready for school, he wears his less girly clothes and walks out of his room and downstairs for breakfast.

"Foods on the table Y/D/N eat up we leave soon" Says Y/N dad as the Man rushes around the room tidying up Jack's mess and making sure the food wasn't burning.

Hotch takes a sip of coffee before noticing his daughters clothes, of course being a profiler he has noticed how his daughter had been acting strangely, it worried him.

He then checks the time "oh shi- come on kids time to go" he exclaims just seeing the time, once both kids are in thr car Hot h drives off thankfully he didn't have to get to work early.

He drops Jack off first then drives down to the highschool, Y/N kisse shis dad cheek then jumps out, just as Hotcb goes to tell her he loves her, the man hears one of her friends call Y/D/N another name.

"Hey Y/N!" Exclaims tbr teen making Y/N smile, Hotch sees the smile it was a genuine smile on his daughters face lately she doesn't smile as much.

"Y/N? Who's Y/N?" Mutters Hotch even his profiling brain was confused, once the man got tk work he got to searching up why his daughter was acting funny.

After an hour of going over everything he finally understands why his daughter is acting to strange. "Is she Trans?" He questions himself.

He then thinks of everything that's happened with his teen, the drastic change of clothes, the now short hair, not liking anything feminine, thr subtle flinches when called her name.

Hotch smiles "I have a trans kid" he mutters to himself smiling.

After they finish the case Hotch texts Jessica telling her he will be back soon and that she can leave to go home.

Once the man arrives home he finds his 'son' sitting at the kitchen table cup of hit chocolate in his hands very anxious expression on his face.

"Hey Bub, what's going on?" Questions Hotch making sure to not use anything feminine nicknames for them. He visibly notices them relax at the name.

Y/N taps his nails onto the cup nervous before answering, he was going to tell his dad he was trans. "Hey Dad, yeah i-can I talk to you?" He questions this made his dad serious.

The man then takes a seat infront of his child hopefully having a reassuring look on his face as he waits for them to start talking.

"Okay, so I have been thinking in telling you this for years but never knew how, but here I go I guess, I'm Trans Dad. I'm not a girl I'm a boy, I've known since I was 12 and did lot sofa research, my friends know and have helped me to be able to finally tell you." He explains all in one breath breathing deeply after trying to catch his breath back.

Hotch just smiles, he was happy his son finally came and told him himself. Hotch takes his sons shaking hands in his, this makes the teen jump red blotchy eyes look at him.

"I know Son, I did my own research at work and it all fell together, I'm proud of you for telling me and of course I love and support you I'm sure Jack would love an older brother and me another Son-" before he finishes his words he had his arms filled with his new 'Son'.

The man comforts the boy but rocking and kissing his forehead letting him cry, he must of been so worried waiting for Aaron to get home from thr case.

When he finally calmed down Y/N spoke. "I have chosen a name that I want to be called" he mutters, He feels his dad rub his back helping him relax.

"And what that Son" Says Hotch, he once again sees his sons face light up at being called 'Son' from now on the dad only wants to see that expression on his kids face.

Y/N looks down at his hands and nervously picks at his skin. "Y/N" he mutters. "Sounds great, Y/N Hotchner it is" Says Hotch.

He is then once again hugged tightly by his son he hugs back just a tight. "Anytbing else you want me to know son?" He asks the boy in his arms.

Y/N sniffles before pulling back and shuffling on his Dad's lap. "Can we change my name in the school system and tell Jack tomorrow?" Askes Y/N.

"Of course we can do that Son, and Jack will know tomorrow, we will be happy to have an older brother" Says the man, soon enough his Son had fallen asleep so he took him upstairs and tucked the boy in.

"Good night Son" he mumbles before leaving.

The end!

Hope you liked this oneshot I loved it as usual sorry for the grammar and Spelling mistakes.

Request are Open!

Word count: 1211

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