Spencer Reid x son!teen!reader

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Request: where people expected Spencers son to be as smart and articulated as he is, but in reality his son is clumsy, adhd ridden with short attention span. But all he wants to do is prove to his dad he can be as smart and useful as he is. One day reader goes too far and accidentally gets involved in a case.

Set in season 12

Third person pov...

It had been 2 months and 10 days since Y/N Reids dad had been in jail for, the teen had been staying with his Godmother JJ and her husband Will, as they didn't want him to be alone.

Currently the 14 year old is in a spare room writing things down in a notebook. He knows his Dad would never kill anyone-unless they were an Unsub.

"It has to been Scratch that bastard targeted Hotch now Dad for some reason" he mutters biting the pencil, without him knowing Micheal sneaks up behind.

"Rahhhh" yells the toddler making the hyperfocued teen jump from his chair, of course with how clumsy he is he ends up knocking it and himself over.

E/C eyes widened as he landed hard. "Ouch" he mutters rubbing the back of his head hearing cheerful laugh above. He looks uo to see Micheal.

The little toddler had suck up behind him. "Micheal I told you the knock before coming in" he says making the laughing toddler stop and giggle.

Y/N smirks and leaps up grabbing the little boy and tickling him, the toddler squeals with laugher and wriggles around trying to escape Y/N let's him.

The young boy runs out of the room giggling Y/Ns laugher stops as he looks back at his notes then closes the door and reaches under his bed.

It was a copy of the file the team have on Mr Scratch, Y/N knew is was him but didn't know how to find him.

The teen wasn't like his Genius dad at all while his dad was smart and articulated Y/N was the exact opposite. Y/N was clumsy, adhd ridden with short attention span.

But over the last couple of months Y/N had been giving it his all into finding Mr Scratch because his dad's teams couldn't do it by themselves.

Little did Y/N know that as he was trying to solve the case, he was being watched. The one behind Spencer's misfortune was an old enemy of the BAU, Peter Lewis, alias ‘Mr. Scratch’.

Seeing an opportunity, later that week he went after William in the hopes that he would be able to get the information he needed to take down the BAU.

The Boy was walking back to his Godmothers house, infront of him were Henry and Micheal as he walked he kept his focus on his shoes.

He stepped one foot on one square as he did this he didn't hear someone appear behind him suddenly was knocked unconscious no time to react.

Hours later JJ and Will couldn't contact Y/N, Michael and Henry hadn't seen or heard from him as they were walking home.

The team gathered trying to figure out who took Y/N, as JJ was looking in his room she found the copy of the file of Scratch.

She bought it to Quantico to show everyone. "He was looking into Spencers case and Mr Scratch" she says slamming the file and Y/Ns notes onto the table in the briefing room.

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