Derek Morgan x daughter reader

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could i request a morgan x daugter (5) who falls and breaks her leg and stuggles really bad with speaking her needs to her dad because she feels bad he has to help her🤍

I like the sound of this idea

Third person pov...

Derek Morgan hurried through the crowded emergency room, his heart racing with fear and worry. His five-year-old daughter, Y/N had fallen and broken her leg while playing in the backyard, and he was beside himself with guilt and anxiety.

He couldn't believe that he had been so careless, letting his guard down for just a moment while he went to check on dinner in the kitchen.

In that split second, the H/C girl had tripped over a toy and landed awkwardly, resulting in a loud cry that sent chills down Derek's spine.

He had quickly scooped her up and rushed her to the hospital, ignoring his own injury from the shattered glass on the kitchen floor, he had dropped a glass measuring jug onto the tilled floor.

Now, as he sat in the waiting room, waiting for the doctors to finish treating his young daughter, he couldn't help but feel like a failure as a father.

Eventually, the doctor emerged from the room and informed Derek that Y/Ns leg had been set in a cast, and she was now resting in a hospital room.

With a sense of relief, Derek made his way to his daughter's room, eager to see her and reassure himself that she was okay.

As he entered the room, he was struck by the sight of the 5 year old lying on the bed, her leg propped up and covered in a cast.

She looked small and fragile, and Derek couldn't help but feel a twinge of guilt in his chest. He had promised to always protect her, and yet here she was, injured under his watch.

"Hey, baby girl" Derek said softly as he sat down on the edge of the bed, careful not to jostle her leg.

The little H/C girl looked up at him, her eyes red and puffy from crying. "Daddy, I'm sorry" she whispered, her voice trembling, she began fiddling with the blanket laying across her legs.

Derek's heart broke at the sight of his daughter blaming herself for the accident. "Oh sweetheart, it's not your fault. Accidents happen, and daddy should have been more careful" he replied, brushing her hair out of her face.

The little girls lower lip quivered, and she held back tears as she struggled to speak. Derek realized then that Y/N was probably feeling guilty because she couldn't communicate her needs to him properly. She had always been a shy and quiet child, and this must have been overwhelming for her.

"Do you need anything, honey? Are you in pain?" Derek asked, trying to keep his voice steady.

The little girl hesitated for a moment before nodding. "My leg hurts, daddy" she whispered, her voice barely audible.

Derek's heart twisted at the pain in her voice. He knew that Y/N must have been afraid to ask for help, not wanting to be a burden to her father. But Derek was determined to make sure his daughter felt as comfortable as possible.

"I'll get the nurse to give you some pain medication, okay? And then we can watch your favorite movie together" Derek said with a smile, trying to ease the tension.

Y/N face lit up, and she nodded eagerly. As Derek left the room to find a nurse, he couldn't help but feel grateful for the strong bond he shared with his daughter.

When he cam back he gently sat down beside her and took her hand in his, after the nurse had left "N/N sweetheart, it's okay to ask for help. I know you're a tough girl, but even the toughest need a little help sometimes" he said with a comforting smile.

The little girl looked up at her dad with tear-filled eyes and finally let out a sob. "I don't want to be a burden, daddy" she managed to say between sobs.

Derek's heart broke at those words. He immediately pulled her into a hug and whispered "You could never be a burden to me, you're my little girl, and I'll do anything for you."

The little 5 year olds tears continued to flow, but she felt relieved knowing that her dad didn't see her as a burden. She began to open up to him, telling him about the pain in her leg and how she couldn't do things on her own.

Derek listened to her patiently and reassured her that it was okay to rely on others sometimes, especially when injured. He also promised her that once her leg was healed, they could do all the activities she loved together.

Y/Ns spirits lifted, and she smiled at her dad, feeling grateful for his love and support.

Over the next few weeks, thr little H/C girls leg slowly healed, and she was able to be more independent again. But she also learned a valuable lesson, that it's okay to ask for help when needed.

Derek was happy to see his little girl back to her talkative and energetic self, knowing that she no longer felt bad about needing his help.

Their bond had only grown stronger through this experience, and Derek was grateful for the opportunity to take care of his daughter.

After a few weeks she gotten used to using her crutches, her and her dad walked into the FBI building together,
Y/N walking slowly but managing.

As they reached the bullpen she stopped to take a breath, using crutches was tiring for the 5 year old, noticing his daughter wasn't next to him Derek turned around and saw her by the elevator.

He then knelt down next to the young girl. "Everything okay Baby girl?" He asks hoping she would tell him that she needed help.

Y/N bit her lip and stayed quiet, Derek waited watching her when someone came up behind them turning to see his face light up to see Penelope. "Hello my chocolate thunder and sunshine" Says Penelope smiling brightly at them.

Derek stands and wraps an arm around Penelope "Good morning to you baby girl" he says kissing her head. Penelope blushes. "Everything okay sunshine?" She asks the young girl.

Y/N looks at her and shakes her head. "I need help Daddy" she says voice confident, Derek was shocked he was so proud of her. "I'm glad yky told Mr baby I'm so proud of you" he says picking the young girl up and holding her on his hip.

Y/N grins and wraps her arms around his neck holding tight. Giggling she was carried the rest of the way into the bullpen by her Daddy.

The end!

Hope you liked this oneshot it's been a while since I wrote one for Derek, sorry for any grammar and Spelling mistakes.

Requests are open!

Word count: 1180

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